
Undefeated World Boxing Organization (WBO) Welterweight Champion TIMOTHY BRADLEY Jr. and four-division world champion and Méxican icon JUAN MANUEL MÁRQUEZ, the only two fighters to beat Fighter of the Decade Manny Pacquiao in the last seven years, will go mano a mano in nine days.

While Bradley (30-0, 12 KOs), of Palm Springs, Calif., and Márquez (55-6-1, 40 KOs), of México City, enter this World Welterweight Championship fight fresh from Fight of the Year caliber performances, Márquez will also be attempting to become the first Méxican fighter to win world titles in five different weight divisions.


We now bring your from Palm Springs, California, following a vigorous media workout, WBO Welterweight Champion Timothy Bradley. Timothy is 13 days away from his defense against Mexican icon Juan Manuel Márquez. Joining Timothy on today’s call is trainer Joel Diaz and manager Cameron Dunkin. We are now pleased to introduce his promoter, Hall of Fame Promoter Bob Arum.

BOB ARUM: Timothy just finished working out at his beautiful new gym in the desert and I must say he is in incredible shape and he told me if I wanted to move the fight up 12 days he would be ready to go tomorrow night and I really believe that. He is at the top of his game and as everyone that was here today could see, he is ready to give one incredible performance.

Joel, how as camp been going? We know Timothy is coming off an incredible fight against Provodnikov which, right now, is the leading candidate for Fight of the Year.. How is it coming off that to prepare for this fight?

JOEL DIAZ: Our training camp has been going really well. As you can see, this guy works extremely hard. He leaves nothing behind, pushing himself 100% in training. We worked hard on the weight, making sure it was not an issue like in the previous fight, which was a factor in that fight. But no more. Right now he is walking around at 152 at the most and wants to finish the week at 149. He is mentally and physically ready to go and looking forward to October 12th.

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: I want to be a part of Márquez’s legacy and by me beating Márquez, that right there will make me one of the top pound-for-pound fighters in the world. No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, wherever you want to place me. Márquez is probably the best fighter I will have ever faced in my career, by far. This fight on October 12th is going to be a very tough fight and I am game for war. I know Márquez is, too, I know his trainer very well and I know they are going to come out hard and try to take me out and take my title.

Joel, what does Tim need to do to counter Márquez?

JOEL DIAZ: The most important thing for Tim to do is stay very focused, follow the strategy and don’t fall into Márquez’s game. Márquez is a very experienced fighter. Don’t fall away from the plan and follow instructions and he’ll be fine.

Have you looked at the Chris John and Mayweather fights in which Márquez lost by decision and can you take anything away from those?

JOEL DIAZ: I watched the Mayweather fight and Mayweather showed me a lot going in the ring against a fighter like Juan Manuel Maárquez. Even though that fight was years ago, over time, fighters slow down a little due to age. But I focused on that fight and caught a lot of good points. I know that Márquez is still sharp and very smart. I know Márquez myself because I followed Márquez’s career. I am a big fan of Márquez and I have seen every single one of his fights. I don’t have to look at much video because I remember every single one of his fights – how he performs and what his strengths and weaknesses are. I know the type of counter-puncher he is so I really don’t have to look at much video. I already know him.

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: I have seen every one of his fights. I know what his weaknesses are and what he likes to do. That is our job — to know these things. That’s why we wanted this fight. I wanted this fight a few years ago. I always knew I could beat Márquez, even when he went back and fought Juan Diaz I felt that I could have been in there and done a lot better. But this fight is happening now and I am going to prove to the world that I am a top fighter, one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the game. I am going to beat Márquez, you heard it here first, and we’ll see what the people say after that.

Are you willing to box or do you feel a need to go toe-to-toe?

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: I am here to put on a show but I am also going to follow the game plan that we put together to win the fight.

Is there a concern for the judges?

JOEL DIAZ: There is always a concern. This is boxing and at the end of the day what’s going to happen is what’s going to happen. Tim is a very elusive fighter and has great speed and great footwork and if it’s up to the judges we hope they do their job and Tim is going to prove he is one of the best fighters in the world when he beats Márquez.

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: Man, I am going to whoop his ass and the judges are going to give me the fight. Just like the U.S. government I am going to shut down Juan Manuel Márquez on October 12th. I am going to win the fight – that is the bottom line. I’m not concerned about any judges or any ref. I am going to get in there and do my job and beat Márquez. And that’s it. And the world’s going to see it.

BOB ARUM: I just hope that we are not going to have any kind of controversy with the judges. The fighters fight and the judges pick the winner of the fight and that’s all I can ask for.

You spoke about residual effects from the Provodnikov fight on 24/7. How long did it take once you got back in the gym to feel like yourself again?

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: I have always had positive vibes and positive energy. I knew and I told Joel Diaz that I would bounce back from it. It took me two months just to get back to normal. Going in the gym, I was out of shape, sparring, things were a little off but that was because I was out of shape. I told them ‘ once I get back into shape, don’t worry guys, everything will get better. My IQ, my speed, my defense will all come back.’ Three or four weeks ago, my trainers told me I was right. My sparring sessions got better, my defense got back, my speed was better and everything was falling into place and everything was back. I was actually doing the plan in the sparring session that Joel wanted to see and my team wanted to see and we are backing up the truck now. I am 110% going into this fight. I am not worried about getting punched or can I take a punch – I know I can take a punch and I know I’m ready to go.

Were you concerned about a lingering effect?

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: No, I never felt that way because you know what happens? A lot of fighters don’t know that there is a lot of help out there for these concussions. NFL players have that help. My friends in the NFL got me the right treatment and I saw doctors out of New York, Long Beach, that could aid and assist me with therapy work. Everything is back to normal now. I feel 100% and I never worried.

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: Most people that have lingering effects and get multiple concussions never get help – they don’t get treatment. I’ve been getting treatment for the last five months.

Joel, tell us what it was like when he came back into camp.

JOEL DIAZ: I noticed a little bit at the beginning because his equilibrium wasn’t there. With time he was getting better. He was focusing on losing weight. He had gained quite a bit of weight. So he was losing weight too fast. He had gained a lot of weight because he was inactive. As soon as he started getting back in shape everything started to fall in place. His balance and equilibrium started to come back. As a trainer I always take that into consideration – how is he going to come back because he did get hit pretty hard? Week after week he started getting better and he was reacting really good. And he told me that once he got back into shape he was going to be reacting really good. He’s been sparring with some tough sparring partners. He’s been getting hit real hard and been reacting really good. All reactions I have seen from him are normal and his reflexes are very sharp.

Bob, were you surprised these two [Bradley and Márquez] turned down a Pacquiao fight to fight each other? For less?

BOB ARUM: Money isn’t everything. These guys aren’t fighting on October 12 for peanuts. The purses they are getting are substantial and legacy is important for both Timothy and Juan Manuel Márquez. Timothy wants Márquez’s scalp on his belt, so to speak. And Márquez wants to be the first Méxican to win five world titles in five weight divisions. Both of them indicated to me that Pacquiao could wait.

Tim, why take this fight instead of more lucrative fight with Pacquiao?

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: One, going to China was a reason and, two, the money was not out-of-this-world. Márquez is 40 and on his way out and I wanted to get a shot at him. I tried three years ago to get a crack at him – to beat him – and I wanted to fight him before he left the game. This is my opportunity to do that. Coming off the Provodnikov fight, it was a hard fight, it was a great fight and it did do some adjusting to where I fit in boxing. I figured, let’s keep going towards the light and let’s face a new challenge in Márquez before he gets out, and beat him. Then maybe we can go back and revisit the dark side in Manny Pacquaio. I felt I wasn’t ready to do it again. After the Provodnikov fight I was in darkness, then I came to the light and I want to stay in the light. I want to shine and I can do that by having two guys on my resume who are by far the best fighters in the world, hall-of-famers, and if I could beat both of these guys I would be considered one of the best.

What is it about Márquez that sets him apart form the other great fighters you have faced?

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: Márquez has fought everybody. He has been in the ring with all the best fighters in the world. He never ducked anybody. He’s been in there with Mayweather. He fought Pacquiao four times. And there is nothing he has not seen. He is one of the best counter-punchers in the game. People struggle when they fight this guy. He either knocks them out or he wins a decision because he is a great counter-puncher. He’s that best name on my resume. I fought a lot of fighters, young and old, but they are not the caliber of Márquez.

How did you become a fan of Márquez?

JOEL DIAZ: Following his career, he has been a very exciting fighter. In boxing you like to see great fights and he has been part of the great fights. Me as a Méxican fighter we always look at the best fighters that México can produce – Julio César Chávez, Jose Luis Castillo, Erik Morales – and now we have Márquez, and I’m facing him. I have to give my fighter a strategy to beat him. And it’s an honor to create a strategy for someone that I have followed. I have a fighter that is hungry to gain that throne. It’s my job to prepare my fighter to beat him. To go in the ring with my fighter and to come out with a win I can go home and say I idolized him and now one of my fighters beat him.

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: I have always been a fan of Márquez. I always thought he was a great fighter and I still think he’s a great fighter. I want to fight the best to be the best in this sport. I don’t do this just to make money, of course the money is important for my family, but I do this to be the best. That’s what motivates me and drives me. People that tell me I can’t do it, I want to prove them wrong. I am one of the best fighters in the world and if I’m not No. 1 on your list, I will be. Floyd’s got a few more fights left so when I beat Márquez I will be right in there.

Are you surprised, as being the champion, that Márquez is favored to win the fight?

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: No, no , no. Everybody is looking at my last fight and everybody is looking at his last fight. Everyone remembers when he knocked out Pacquiao. And everyone remembers that war with Ruslan Provodnikov. A lot of people think I am going to be wild and go down and people have to see if I still have it or not. Of course they are going for the veteran, the guy that knocked out Pacquiao so of course they are going to bet on him to win. I don’t mind being the underdog. I like it. I like taking people’s money and I’ll take it again. People can doubt me and doubt me and that’s OK but soon they will get sick of losing their money.

Are you looking forward to the challenge of facing Nacho Beristáin in the other corner?

JOEL DIAZ: Definitely, I think that Nacho is one of the best trainers in the world. He has done so much for the sport, you could call him a legend. I am coming in with a great fighter in Timothy Bradley and he is coming in with a great fighter in Juan Manuel Márquez. We are matching wits and when Tim wins I will be very happy to have accomplished a wing against a great trainer.

Juan Manuel Márquez busted up the bags at media day, are you worried about his power?

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: I don’t give a damn what he did. I don’t give a damn if he busted a bag. I don’t give a damn if he trained on the moon. I don’t give a damn if he broke somebody’s jaw. That’s all irrelevant to me, man. He doesn’t know what we are doing over here. That doesn’t scare me at all.

You say Márquez will be the best fighter you ever faced. Would he still have been the best if he didn’t KO Pacquiao?

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: I just think that’s he’s a very intelligent fighter. It’s good to have that knockout on his resume plus the other fights with Pacquiao, and the Mayweather fight and I think he fought Morales. He fought everybody – all the best out there. So that would not have changed.

How was sparring with Matthysse?

Sparring with him really helped my confidence (coming back from Provodnikov) – we have worked together – it wasn’t electrifying in the ring. He had his moments and I had my moments. The biggest thing was it my first day back and his first day sparring after coming to the states. We did four rounds and he was a little winded so maybe he was jetlagged. I thought it was a great sparring session. I got to see his strengths and his weaknesses. He landed some good shots on me and I took his best shot. He hit me with a big left hook and I went halfway across the ring and I stopped and said ‘boy you’re strong.’

How confident are you in the testing?

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: Well, it is what it is. There is nothing I can do about that. I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. If I don’t take this fight I don’t get paid and make money for my family. HBO, Top Rank and everybody would be pissed off if I pulled out of this fight. He’s doing the testing that Nevada is doing and that’s great. VADA is a qualified agency – they are more strict and their percentages are better also. I am a clean athlete so why not do the best testing out there. I said let’s do VADA and he didn’t want to do it. We’ve been getting randomly tested the last for weeks. They just show up – they call an hour early. He’s passed all the tests so all we can say is that he’s clean.

JOEL DIAZ: On October 12 you are going to see Bradley put on a great performance. He is going to put a beating on Márquez. I don’t think you are going to need judges. I think Márquez is going to come and put Tim to sleep like he did to Pacquiao and it’s not going to happen. Tim is a smarter fighter, more defensive and he’s going to complicate Márquez’s day. After the fifth or sixth round – Tim is going to take Márquez into the deep water and that’s when Tim is going to do his best – you don’t have to leave it up to the judges.

BOB ARUM: Between now and October 12, we have a great fight on Saturday in Orlando between Miguel Cotto against Delvin Rodriguez and a battle of undefeated lightweight contenders, Terrence Crawford against Andrey Klimov; and following that fight, episode two of 24/7 Bradley/Márquez – the first episode was terrific. Everyone is getting ready for the big showdown on October 12. At Wild Card Gym tomorrow you have your first opportunity to see Lomachenko, probably the best amateur in the history for this sport will be making his pro debut on the card. Bradley and Márquez are both training hard and it is going to be a fantastic card on October 12.

TIMOTHY BRADLEY: I want to give a shout out to HBO, to Top Rank to my manager Cameron Dunkin and a shout out to Márquez for taking this fight. I appreciate all of your support and to all the fans out there. I am so excited and I can’t wait for this fight. I can’t wait to get it on with this guy – one of the best fighters in the world.

Promoted by Top Rank®, in association with Zanfer Promotions, Wynn Las Vegas, Márquez Boxing, and Tecate, Bradley vs. Márquez will take place Saturday, October 12 at the Thomas & Mack Center, on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. It will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View®, beginning at 9:00 p.m. ET / 6:00 p.m. PT.




Three-time world boxing champion, Joseph King Kong Agbeko, is on the verge of another major title opportunity after joining the camp of respected management syndicate, Espinoza Boxing.

The deal, struck last week in the United States, has almost guaranteed the “Fresh King” a date with WBA and WBO super-bantamweight champion, Guillermo Rigondeaux, for a potential unification bout.

“So far, to my knowledge, I can confirm that the fight is almost done right now. My manager is still negotiating and I believe he is going to get me the right fights,” Agbeko said after signing the deal.

“I fought a few fighters who were managed by Espinoza, and I admire how he treats his boxers. He has a very good reputation, and he is one of the most influential managers in the boxing world right now I’m proud to be part of Espinoza Boxing,” he added.

If the fight materialises, it will confirm Agbeko’s upward movement from the bantamweight division where he still holds the World Boxing Organisation (WBO) title.

It signifies an escape route to some financial satisfaction from Frank Espinoza, Agbeko having broken up with the famed Don King Promotions sometime last year.

“At this point of my career, it is very important for me to just focus on my training and just keep on fighting. I am just going to leave the rest of the business to my manager, Frank Espinoza so I can focus on my training and take care of business in the ring. I am definitely going to return into the ring in December,” noted a confident Agbeko.

“I feel like I am born again, I feel like am just starting my career. The most important feeling I have right now is that I have the hunger that I had in me when I turned professional.

“I feel like I am beginning my career and I can’t wait to get back into the ring to win a world title at the super-bantamweight (division),” he stated.

Agbeko, who ruled the bantamweight class under the International Boxing Federation (IBF), has endured difficult times recently, including a controversial loss to Abner Mares.

“I just want to thank God for what I’ve passed through this few years. I thank Him for all that He has given me and all that He has taken away from me. He has prepared my heart for the future and I will make good use of that lesson,” he said.



By Carlos Kambaekwa –

WINDHOEK – Former Namibian Lightweight world champion, Paulus ‘Hitman’ Moses will be defending his World Boxing Organization (WBO) International Lightweight title against the formidable Leonardo Esteban Gonzalez from Argentina over 12-rounds at the Ramatex Hall on the outskirts of Windhoek, tomorrow evening.

Both boxers boast impressive resumes and the fact that they are in their prime suggests the pair possess the capacity to send each other to the canvass easily with only one decent delivery should the chance avail itself. Nevertheless, Hitman is expected to retain his belt with ease and is likely to make full use of home ground advantage.

Very few boxers in the lightweight division can stand up to the former Namibian world champion when he lands punches with the same accuracy and tenacity that saw him wrestle the world tile away from Yusuke Kobori, as can be attested by 20 of his 33 victims who failed to go the full distance. Local boxing fans could not have asked for a better occasion to put behind them the lukewarm, if not disappointing, performance by Harry Simon during his controversial win over Serbian opponent Geard Ajetovic in last weekend’s confrontation that has left tongues wagging, although that may not be easy. It is very likely that that fight will make out a great topic for discussion on social occasions for many years to come.

There is no doubt that locally bred pugilists are up there with the very best in the business, and professional boxing in Namibia is certainly on the right track, as borne out by the huge financial resources committed to the sport, courtesy of generous sponsorships by companies such as MTC, Telecom and Nampower, complemented by an astronomical increase in ticket revenues. Moreover, now that the language of professional boxing on the African continent is increasingly assuming a Namibian nuance, we will increasingly be hearing the expression ‘denga komutwe’ when local boxers go through their paces in the boxing ring.

In fact, local boxing pundits believe it is extremely difficult to find any fighter willing to risk trading punches with WBO Africa Welterweight champion Betuel ‘Tyson’ Ushona, but Kaizer Mabuza, is having none of that. The veteran South African challenger will go toe-to-toe with the hard punching ‘Tyson’ in the main under-card over 12-rounds. Vikapita ‘Beast Master’ Meroro also returns to the ring to defend his WBO Cruiserweight belt against Pascal Ndomba from Tanzania, while Martin Haikali also makes a welcome return after a long layoff in a non-title 8-rounder against Nkosinathi Ntshangase in the lightweight division to conclude the lineup for one of three mouth-watering under-card bouts on the menu.




Emanuel Steward & Wladimir Klitschko

By:  Pedro Fernandez –


San Francisco, CA– Nothing is more intimidating than “size” when it comes to heavyweights.  While I rate Larry Holmes #1 historically, the “Easton Assassin” might end up being displaced by current WBO & linear champion Wladimir Klitschko as the Ukrainian native has amassed an almost unequaled status in 17 years of boxing. And before anybody pitches a bitch about opposition, you can’t here as the younger Klitschko brother has beaten everybody put in front of him with “gusto,” but only after the late Emanuel Steward taught Wlad how to fight.


It was just last month in Budapest, Hungary, at the WBO’s 26th Boxing Congress where I announced Wladimir as the “WBO Fighter of The Year,” an award WBO President Francisco Valcarcel will give to him prior to this Saturday’s bout in Moscow against unbeaten Russian Alexander Povetkin. It truly is a fitting honor seeing Wladimir is now 60-3 with 50 guys leaving the ring earlier than they had hoped.  A professional since winning Olympic Gold in 1996, Wlad has had went 19-2 in WBO title fights alone. With the expected win over Povetkin Saturday, Wlad will be eclipsing Larry Holmes’ 19 defenses of the linear title, which is second only to Joe Louis’ magic number of 25.


As alluded to in paragraph one, the 6’7 Klitschko, younger brother of WBC titleholder Vitali Klitschko, fights tall and with his height, reach, conditioning and longevity, may in fact be the greatest heavyweight champion in history.  Seeing I tend to rate the “retired,” the still active Klitschko brothers won’t be given their final rating until it is all said and done.


When I watched him early on with the late Kronk Gym Goldfather Emanuel Steward, like the 2004 DaVaryll Williamson fight in Las Vegas, Klitschko, not the confident fighter he is today, was instead a bit apprehensive with the former US amateur stand out and got dropped.  There is no way I thought that Wlad, then in his eighth year as a professional would improve to the point where I’d be saying that at the end of his day, might be the greatest heavyweight champion in history.


The people that rap Wladimir say he was drilled thrice, the initial time by Ross Puritty, whom he ran out of gas against. The losses to Lamon (Don’t call him Lamont) Brewster and the late Corrie Sanders were two occasions where Wlad was slightly unfocused and got hit with punches he didn’t see incoming. The improvement, again credit goes to Emanuel Steward, will surely be in play Saturday when he hammers Povetkin at will until the fight is stopped somewhere before round nine.



Photos: Rafael Soto / Zanfer Promotions –

Four-division champion Juan Manuel Marquez works out during media day for his upcoming world championship fight against undefeated WBO World Welterweight champion Timothy “Desert Storm’ Bradley on Saturday, Oct 12 at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas,Nevada.

Promoted by Top Rank, in association with Zanfer Promotions, Wynn Las Vegas, Márquez Boxing, and Tecate, Bradley vs. Márquez will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View.

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Fotos:  Kameda Bros Official Members Site –

Por Hisao Adachi – El domingo 29 de septiembre en Kyocera Dome de Osaka (antiguo Osaka Dome) con capacidad de 36 mil 627 espectadores, hubo un partido del beisbol   profesional de Japón entre dos equipos de la Liga del Pacifico,   el local Orix Buffaleos y Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters desde la ciudad de Sapporo de la isla de Hokkaido.

El beisbol es el deporte más popular en este archipiélago japonés. Antes de la inauguración de este partido, el campeón mundial gallo de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB o WBO) Tomoki “El Mexicanito” Kameda se hizo cargo de cumplir el primer lanzamiento de pelota.

El “Mexicanito”   apareció con cinturón de campeón mundial en el montículo de lanzador del campo de beisbol tomando uniforme del equipo local Orix Buffaloes y el numero de espalda de 3 junto con su nombre TOMOKI. El numero 3 quiere decir que Tomoki   es el tercer de los hermanos Kameda, el mayor es Koki quien es campeón mundial gallo de la AMB y Daiki quien es monarca mundial supermosca de la FIB. Tomoki Kameda no tiene experiencia de jugar al beisbol ni una vez,   pero,   la pelota lanzada por Tomoki llegó directamente al receptor (catcher) y fue aplaudido grandemente por los espectadores, aunque la pelota no llego a la zona strike.

Mero antes de lanzar pelota, Tomoki hizo brincos cerquita del montículo de lanzador como si estuviera en el ring.

Tomoki Kameda hizo proeza de haberse coronado nuevo campeón mundial en la ciudad de Cebú, Filipinas, el pasado 1 de agosto al derrotar por decisión indiscutible al africano Paulus Ambunda.   Antes de salir de Japón con rumbo a Filipinas, Tomoki Kameda fue animado por los jugadores beisbolistas del equipo de Orix Buffaloes, quienes entregaron al “Mexicanito”   una bandera nacional del Sol Naciente de Japón para desearle buena suerte con la fe de victoria a fuerza de su barreta en el ring de Filipinas.

En ese pendón nacional de Japón estaban escritas palabras para enfervorizar a Tomoki Kameda por parte de los jugadores del equipo de Orix Buffaloes.

Tomoki Kameda pudo regresar a Japón con lauro de cinturón de campeón mundial amen de haber sido aceptado gloriosamente   por el libro Guinnes World Record a calidad del logro del histórico primer trió de los campeones mundiales al mismo tiempo junto con Koki y Daiki. Con esta vinculación amistosa con los jugadores del equipo de Orix Buffaloes,   Tomoki Kameda acepto hacer primer   lanzamiento   de pelota para devolver favor a los jugadores de ese equipo.

“Mexicanito” Tomoki tuvo   una expresión de complacencia hacia este cargo de primer lanzamiento de pelota en el espacioso estadio de beisbol e hizo cometo a los periodistas con las palabras siguientes; “Me es una alegría por haberlo cumplido. El gran ambiente de Kyocera Dome de Osaka es muy distinta   en magnitud a la de las Arenas de boxeo”.     El “Mexicanito” sostuvo que tuviera un enorme deseo para combatir en Kyocera Dome de Osaka de un ambiente de maravilla en una gran función de boxeo en la que estelarizan los tres hermanos Kameda, Tomoki (el hermano mas chico) y   Daiki (hermano medio) y Koki (hermano mayor), en forma simultánea por defensa de sus títulos mundiales al mismo tiempo.   Vamos a ver si   Tomoki Kameda sea capaz de realizar su gran ambición con su inflexibilidad de hermandad junto con Koki y Daiki.

Es un hecho inequívoco que los tres hermanos Kameda se encuentran haciendo la historia del boxeo japonés. Los nombres en conjunto de Tomoki, Daiki, Koki   en carácter chino significan “Erección del país de Yamato”,    así acota sus padre Shiro.    Yamato quiere decir antiguo nombre del país de Japón.

El verdadero corazón del pueblo de Yamato es como si fuera la nítida flor blanca y rozada de cerezo aromático que se abre elegantemente en paz entre los rayos radiantes del sol naciente que aparezca en el cielo azul limpio sin ninguna contaminación ni un pedazo de nubes según el famoso tradicional poema del japonés   Motoori Norinaga, quien murió en 1801 como un sabio más conocido y prominente de todos los eruditos del estudio de antigua cultura y literatura japonesa durante la era de Edo, que comenzó en 1603.   El profesor de boxeo de Tomoki “Mexicanito” Kamea es el mexicano Rubén Lira, con quien   Tomoki se encuentra aprendiendo como es la humildad y sinseridad de ser humano debajo del ring para convertirse en un gran campeón de boxeo. Cuando recorremos la historia del pugilismo nipón,   el japonés Jyoichiro Tatsuyoshi, el entonces gran ídolo del boxeo japonés, combatió en Kyocera Dome de Osaka en agosto de 1999   por título mundial gallo del CMB contra el tailandés Veeraphol Sahaprom, quien dio revancha a Jyoichiro Tatsuyoshi y lo liquido por KOT en el séptimo round para retener su cinturón de verde y oro.










Photo by Chris Farina/Top Rank –

By Karl Freitag –

At Wednesday’s Nevada State Athletic Commission meeting, it was decided that the officials for the WBO welterweight championship bout between Timothy Bradley and Juan Manuel Marquez at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas will be referee Robert Byrd, judges will be Robert Hoyle, Patricia Morse-Jarman and Glenn Feldman. With Marquez making $6 million and Bradley 4.1 million, the fee schedule lists $5000 for the referee and $3500 for the judges,

The officials for the WBO featherweight championship bout between Orlando Salido and Orlando Cruz will be referee Kenny Bayless, judges are Jerry Roth, Glenn Trowbridge, Ed Kubler.

Following the CJ Ross controversy in the Mayweather-Alvarez fight, extra attention was paid to the selection of officials as NSAC executive director Keith Kizer explained the process and the commission carefully deliberated on Kizer’s recommendations. That portion of the meeting lasted 28 minutes.


The Nevada State Athletic Commission has named the officials for the Timothy Bradley-Juan Manuel Marquez WBO welterweight title fight on October 12 at the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nev.

The officials for the October 12 WBO welterweight title fight between Timothy Bradley and Juan Manuel Marquez have been named.

According to Karl Freitag of FightNews.com, Robert Byrd was designated by the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) to be the referee. The judges will be Robert Hoyle, Patricia Morse-Jarman and Glenn Feldman.

The Bradley-Marquez bout is the next major Nevada card since Floyd “Money” Mayweather, Jr. bested Mexico’s Saul “Canelo” Alvarez by majority decision on September 14. Judge C.J. Ross drew controversy for scoring the bout 114 for both fighters when it was clear Mayweather should have been ahead in the scorecards.

Ross was also a judge of the June 2012 fight between Bradley and Manny Pacquiao, who lost by split decision. It was a fight “most thought Pacquiao had easily won,” per ESPN’s Dan Rafael.

Rafael adds NSAC chairman Bill Brady “promised a more thorough discussion” of the officials, who were recommended committee executive director Keith Kizer. Kizer was interrogated by an NSAC panel on why he chose the individuals in his list.

Bradley and Marquez are responsible for Pacquiao’s two most recent losses. Bradley, as previously mentioned, squeaked by Pacquiao 15 months ago while Marquez stunned the boxing world by knocking out Pacquiao in the sixth round of their December 8, 2012 bout.

Marquez will attempt to earn the WBO welterweight title belt at the age of 40. Bradley is all praises for his opponent, who he considers to be a late bloomer. However, he said Marquez and his camp “will never stop my will to win.”

Top Rank promoter Bob Arum is predicting the number of pay-per-view broadcasts for the bout to hover around the 500,000 range, according to Anthny Riccobono of the Internaional Business Times. 

Bradley is seeking to maintain an unbleimished 30-0 record. He also has 12 knockouts and will make $4.1 million for the fight.

Marquez, on the other hand, is 55-6-1 with 40 stoppages and will earn a $6 million paycheck.
Read more at http://www.sportballa.com/2013/09/111632/officials-named-timothy-bradley-juan-manuel-marquez-fight-october-12#AYKRPHCVLFMbypvo.99

The Nevada State Athletic Commission has named the officials for the Timothy Bradley-Juan Manuel Marquez WBO welterweight title fight on October 12 at the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nev.

The officials for the October 12 WBO welterweight title fight between Timothy Bradley and Juan Manuel Marquez have been named.

According to Karl Freitag of FightNews.com, Robert Byrd was designated by the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) to be the referee. The judges will be Robert Hoyle, Patricia Morse-Jarman and Glenn Feldman.

The Bradley-Marquez bout is the next major Nevada card since Floyd “Money” Mayweather, Jr. bested Mexico’s Saul “Canelo” Alvarez by majority decision on September 14. Judge C.J. Ross drew controversy for scoring the bout 114 for both fighters when it was clear Mayweather should have been ahead in the scorecards.

Ross was also a judge of the June 2012 fight between Bradley and Manny Pacquiao, who lost by split decision. It was a fight “most thought Pacquiao had easily won,” per ESPN’s Dan Rafael.

Rafael adds NSAC chairman Bill Brady “promised a more thorough discussion” of the officials, who were recommended committee executive director Keith Kizer. Kizer was interrogated by an NSAC panel on why he chose the individuals in his list.

Bradley and Marquez are responsible for Pacquiao’s two most recent losses. Bradley, as previously mentioned, squeaked by Pacquiao 15 months ago while Marquez stunned the boxing world by knocking out Pacquiao in the sixth round of their December 8, 2012 bout.

Marquez will attempt to earn the WBO welterweight title belt at the age of 40. Bradley is all praises for his opponent, who he considers to be a late bloomer. However, he said Marquez and his camp “will never stop my will to win.”

Top Rank promoter Bob Arum is predicting the number of pay-per-view broadcasts for the bout to hover around the 500,000 range, according to Anthny Riccobono of the Internaional Business Times. 

Bradley is seeking to maintain an unbleimished 30-0 record. He also has 12 knockouts and will make $4.1 million for the fight.

Marquez, on the other hand, is 55-6-1 with 40 stoppages and will earn a $6 million paycheck.
Read more at http://www.sportballa.com/2013/09/111632/officials-named-timothy-bradley-juan-manuel-marquez-fight-october-12#AYKRPHCVLFMbypvo.99

Boxing development.preview


Having been crowned the Best Boxing Academy in Africa by the World Boxing Organization Convention a few days ago, the MTC Nestor Sunshine Boxing & Fitness Academy went a step further by taking boxing to the youth when they held a Youth Development Boxing Day at the UN Plaza in Katutura.

The UN Plaza in Katutura was the place to be for young aspiring boxers when they finally got the opportunity to step into a real ring to showcase their boxing skills.

The MTC Youth Development Tournament was organized by the best boxing Academy in Africa, the MTC Sunshine Boxing & Fitness Academy and it was attended by children accompanied by their parents who became their fans throughout the day.

The event started as early as 15h00 showcasing 24 bouts where 48 juniors between the ages of 12-17 years competed. The juniors were cheered on by a good boxing crowd which included their parents and family making this a perfect family outing for the youth.

An excited Nestor Tobias, who was recently also crowned the Best Boxing Promoter in Africa by the WBO said that the event was a resounding success and part of its mandate to take boxing not only to all corners of Namibia at all levels (professional and amateur), but also to extend this platform to the youth to inspire them to become world champions one day.

“Boxing is a very successful sport and has become one of the biggest sporting codes worldwide and we therefore need to inspire our future world champions from an early age,” Tobias said.

“We made a firm commitment to our sponsor MTC that we will put key emphasis on grassroots development and this initiative was part of many more to come,” he added.

To add excitement to the line-up, there were also 15 bouts in total with 30 senior boxers battling it out in the ring, with all boxing clubs in the Khomas region, including Nampol and the NDF participating.

“The juniors were released at about 20h30 because boxing is a very disciplined sport and we therefore need to act responsibly when dealing with the youth. We also made sure that their bouts take place in very good conditions so that they don’t hurt each other, and they were therefore protected,” Tobias said.

“The MTC Nestor Sunshine Boxing Academy is preparing for the biggest fight of the year taking place on the 5 October at Ramatex with Paulus ‘The Hitman’ Moses taking on Leonardo Gonzalez from Argentina and boxing fans are therefore encouraged to buy their tickets from Computicket well in advance,” Tobias added.


Hit man Back

By Ron Jackson –

Paulus “Hitman” Moses makes the second defence of his WBO International lightweight title when he meets Leonardo Esteban Gonzalez at the Ramatex Hall in Windhoek, Namibia on Saturday night. The 31-year-old Gonzalez from Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Rios in Argentina has a respectable record of 24-4-1; 14 since joining the professional ranks in September 2006 and only one of his four losses have been inside the distance. He is at present on a three bout winning streak. Moses, 35, a former WBA regular lightweight champion has been in with some quality fighters in the division and his two losses have been in world title fights against Miguel Costa (ko 6), when he lost his WBA belt and Ricky Burns (pts 12) of Scotland when challenging for the WBO lightweight belt. Moses with a record of 31-2, 20 KOs has fought at a higher level than his challenger and should have the edge in a fight that could go the distance.

Promoter Nestor Tobias of the MTC Nestor Sunshine Boxing and Fitness Academy is confident that his fighter Moses, who in his most recent fight stopped former IBF junior lightweight champion Mzonke Fana in four rounds, can go on to once again challenge for a world title.

On the same card Betuel Tyson Ushona 30-2-1; 8 defends his WBO Africa welterweight title against former IBO light welterweight champion Kaizer Mabuza 25-9-3; 15 from South Africa and in a clash for the WBO Africa cruiserweight title Vikapita Meroro 23-4; 11 the interim champion meets Pascal Ndomba 13-5-2; 11 from Tanzania.



Carson, Calif.  —  (L-R) Undefeated former WBO featherweight champion Mikey Garcia, former world champion Brandon “Bam Bam” Rios and undefeated WBO World Welterweight  champion Timothy Bradley attend the Chavez Jr-Vera fight Saturday night at StubHub Center in Carson, Calif. Photo by Chris Farina/Top Rank.
Garcia takes on two-time WBO junior lightweight champion Roman “Rocky” Martinez as part of an exciting HBO world championship tripleheader on Saturday, November 9 from the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas. Rios battles superstar Manny Pacquiao at The Venetian Macao Resort in Macau,China and which will be televised live in the US, Saturday, Nov. 23 on HBO Pay-Per-View®. Bradley goes up against four-division champion Juan Manuel Marquez also on HBO Pay-Per-View® , Oct 12 from the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas,Nevada.


The successful series of Boxeo TELEMUNDO Ford will have the second show of the fall series in Mexico City this Friday, September 27, 2013 at the popular Salon Jose Cuervo. In the main event WBO Youth super flyweight champion David “El Duro” Carmona will defend against fellow countryman Antonio “El Tostado” Tostado in a clash scheduled for 10 Rounds.

Carmona of Mexico City, Mexico is ranked #14 WBO and brings a record of 15-1-4, 8 KO’s, Tostado on the other hand is an undefeated 18-year-old prospect of Jamay, Jalisco, Mexico who served as a chief sparring partner of newly crowned IBF super flyweight champion Daiki Kameda and brings a record of 11-0, 5 KO’s. It should be an all out war between two hungry young contenders.

Also on the show Jr. Middleweight prospect Luis “Slaver” Grajeda (15-1-1, 11 KO’s) of Chihuahua, Mexico faces Josue Atilano “Golden Boy” Mendoza (11-4-3, 5 KO’s) of Teomaya, Mexico in a bout scheduled for 8 rounds.



Photo: Ed Keenan –

WBO #1 featherweight Orlando Cruz (20-2-1, 10 KOs) makes his first stop on today’s New York City media day tour La Mega radio station. Boxing’s first openly gay fighter also has a workout scheduled for the Mendez Boxing Gym. Cruz, a member of Puerto Rico’s 2000 Olympic team, is in his final weeks of intense training for his first world title shot against former two-time featherweight champion Orlando “Siri” Salido (39-12-2, 27 KOs) for the vacant World Boxing Organization (WBO) featherweight title on the October 12 Timothy Bradley vs. Juan Manuel Márquez WBO welterweight championship pay-per-view undercard in Las Vegas.

Photos: Ed Mulholland / Top Rank

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By Chris Robinson

This past Wednesday, in Corpus Christi, Tex., trainer Robert Garcia was able to cross paths and spend considerable time with one of his star fighters, multi-division champion Nonito Donaire, for the first time in several months.

Donaire was in the city for a Top Rank press conference to announce an HBO-televised tripleheader featuring his rematch with Vic Darchinyan, a junior lightweight title match between WBO champion Roman ‘Rocky’ Martinez and Mikey Garcia, and a clash for the vacant WBO junior middleweight title between contenders Demetrius Andrade and Vanes Martirosyan.

Donaire is coming off of a unanimous decision loss to Cuban stalwart Guillermo Rigondeaux this past April. Following the defeat, Donaire had a successful surgery on his right shoulder and also celebrated the birth of his first child with his wife Rachel as they welcomed their son Jarel into the world in July.

Following a late-night training session with Donaire on Wednesday evening, Garcia was able to tell just how focused the Fil-Am star has been.

“We worked together a little bit,” Garcia noted. “Believe me, right now Nonito is probably better than ever. I had never seen him like this with two months before his fight. He’s about, I would say, no more than seven or eight pounds from the division where he’s going to fight. I had never seen that. He’s motivated, he’s dedicated. And when we worked out, man he’s so fast and strong.”

Heading into the rematch with Darchinyan, who Donaire stopped in five rounds in July of 2007 in one of the year’s biggest upsets, Garcia is looking to make sure his fighter stays light on his feet.

“The thing I told him is ‘When you go back home, I want you to work a lot on your footwork. Because that’s going to be very important not just for this fight, but for your future fights. I want you to have great legs and great footwork.’ Believe me, people will see a difference, especially when we start working together.

“People will see the best Nonito they’ve ever seen,” Garcia stated adamantly.

Garcia explained that Donaire went back to Las Vegas late Friday and he will be coming to his personal facility in Oxnard to dive into a full training camp very shortly.

“Starting next week, we’re going to start working together,” said Garcia. “He’s going to come to Oxnard. I’m telling you, he’s already prepared and he’s already doing things that I haven’t seen. We still got seven weeks before the fight. It will be much better.”

Donaire has spent much of his previous camps training out of the Undisputed Boxing Gym in Northern California, but his preference for the facility limited his one on one time with Garcia, who has a flourishing stable of champions and prospects training in his own gym.

Garcia would often make the drive from Oxnard to Northern California to be with Donaire during the second half of the week for some camps and his time was even more limited heading into the Rigondeaux match, as he was back home helping Brandon Rios prepare for his rematch with Mike Alvarado.

Understanding what it best for his career at this point, Donaire is committed to a camp in Oxnard and despite Garcia’s bevy of fighters, the two-time Trainer of the Year expects things to go smoothly when Nonito hits town.

“Look, it’s not like he’s going to be with everybody training at the same time,” said Garcia. “I don’t know [if] other gyms do it like I do. With me, Nonito is going to have his time. With me, [Marcos] Maidana has his time. Maidana trains by himself at 10 in the morning. Brandon [Rios] trains by himself at noon. Nonito will come in at maybe three or four. That will be his own time. I’ll have that two hours just to focus on him.”



Photos: Chris Farina/Top Rank

Two-time Ukrainian Olympic gold medalist Vasyl “The Great” Lomachenko arrived at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) Saturday afternoon where he was greeted by Hall of Fame promoter Bob Arum. Lomachenko will make his featherweight pro debut against #7 rated Jose Luis Ramirez of México and will be showcased on the undercard of the October 12, WBO welterweight championship between undefeated defending champion Timothy “Desert Storm” Bradley, Jr. and four-division world champion and Méxican icon Juan Manuel Marquez at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas. Lomachenko plans to fight for the world featherweight championship in his second pro fight.


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Sergey-Kovalev-2160373By Alexey Sukachev –

Russian real estate and now boxing tycoon Andrey Ryabinskiy continues to shake the world with his ambitious projects. This time Ryabinskiy, the man behind the biggest heavyweight fight in years between world heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko and Alexander Povetkin, has targeted another big fish.

“I’ve met tonight with Andrey in his office”, confirmed Egis Klimas to BoxingScene.com. “He is very interested in Sergey Kovalev. We had a great talk, and possibilities are very high that we should set something up here in Russia, Sergey’s homeland”.

“No solid dates or opponents but Mr. Ryabinskiy is very positive on bringing Kovalev back to Russia – not even for a megafight but for several very big events. It might very well be a continuous relationship, which can start as early as the beginning of the next year”, continued Klimas. “I was impressed with the way Andrey tries to change the Russian pugilistic landscape – that’s truly amazing”.

What about HBO and Main Events, which acts as Kovalev’s promoter. “Hands down, Main Events is our chief promoter and we are very interested in HBO as well. I think, however, that things can be worked out for Sergey to make Russia his primary stage. HBO will televise the Povetkin fight, and I’m pretty much ensured it’ll be interested in covering Sergey’s fights as well”.

What is about Kovalev’s next fight and the opponent. “We’ve got some plans and some candidates but nothing is solidified yet. We tend to fight next in America but we keep Russia in mind as well”, said Klimas.

Sergey Kovalev (22-0-1, 20 KOs) is the WBO light heavyweight world champion, putting his frightening mixture of skills and chilling punching power on display on Aug. 17 against Nathan Cleverly, whom he has knocked out in four rounds.



Photos: Pete Susens –

Former World Featherweight Champion Orlando “Siri” Salido is training hard in the intense summer heat at Arena Osuna Boxing Gym in his native Ciudad Obregon, Mexico Salido is preparing for battle against Puerto Rican Olympian and top contender, Orlando Cruz, on October 12th at The Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas. The pair will be fighting for the Vacant WBO World Featherweight Title and are the semi final to legendary Juan Manuel Marquez who will be facing Timothy Bradley for the welterweight title in the main attraction.

“I am ready and as positive as I have ever been,” said Salido. “I want my title back.” He is in camp with trainer Santos Moreno and manager Sean Gibbons.

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LAS VEGAS, NEV. (September 17, 2013) — It’s just 25 days until undefeated World Boxing Organization (WBO) welterweight champion TIMOTHY “Desert Storm” BRADLEY, JR. and four-division world champion and Méxican icon JUAN MANUEL “Dinamita” MÁRQUEZ, both coming off Fight of the Year performances, collide in a battle for Bradley’s world title. The only two fighters to have defeated Fighter of the Decade Manny Pacquiao in the past seven years, Bradley vs. Márquez will take place Saturday, October 12, at the Thomas & Mack Center, on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. It will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View, beginning at 9:00 p.m. ET / 6:00 p.m. PT.

Promoted by Top Rank®, in association with Zanfer Promotions, All Star Boxing,Wynn Las Vegas, Márquez Boxing, and Tecate, the Bradley vs. Márquez pay-per-view undercard is just as steeped in excitement and historical significance as the main event.

No. 1 contender ORLANDO CRUZ, boxing’s first openly gay fighter, will clash with former two-time featherweight champion ORLANDO “Siri” SALIDO for the vacant WBO featherweight title. For Cruz (20-2-1, 10 KOs), of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and a member of Puerto Rico’s 2000 Olympic team, this will be his first world title shot. Half of Cruz’s professional victories have been by knockout, including three of his last four fights — all for the WBO Latino featherweight belt — propelling him to the top of the WBO ratings. He enters this title tilt riding a two-year winning streak, highlighted by a first-round knockout of previously undefeated Michael Franco. Salido (39-12-2, 27 KOs), of Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, México, will be looking to complete a hat trick in regaining the title he previously held for nearly two years. He captured his first world title in his third attempt. After a No Decision to Robert Guerrero in 2006 and a split decision loss to Cristobal Cruz in 2008, Salido finally captured the International Boxing Federation (IBF) featherweight title in 2010, avenging his loss to Cruz by winning a split decision. His title reign was short-lived, losing a unification fight to World Boxing Association (WBA) featherweight champion Yuriorkis Gamboa later that same year. Salido bounced back in a big way, stopping undefeated WBO featherweight champion Juan Manuel Lopez in the eighth round in 2011 to capture his second world championship crown. Salido enters this fight having won five of his last six fights by knockout, including title defenses against Kenichi Yamaguchi in 2011 and a rematch with Lopez in 2012. He lost the title in January, by decision, to Mikey Garcia. He is currently world-rated No. 3 by the WBO.

Two-time Ukrainian Olympic gold medalist VASYL “The Great” LOMACHENKO will jump into the deep end of boxing’s international-sized swimming pool when he makes his professional debut in a 10-round featherweight bout against top-10 contender JOSE LUIS RAMIREZ. Lomachenko first gained international renown by winning gold medals in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the 2012 London Games as a featherweight and lightweight, respectively. Known for his all-out aggressive style of boxing, Lomachenko is equally aggressive in plotting his professional boxing plan to a world title where he insisted on making his pro debut in a 10-round bout against a seasoned veteran where a victory could propel him to a Top-10 world rating. He certainly has that in Ramirez (24-2-2, 15 KOs), of Méxicali, Baja California,México, who has won six of his last seven fights. Ramirez enters this fight fresh from a career-best victory, a 12-round decision over Rey Bautista (34-2, 25 KOs), in April. for the WBO International featherweight title, ending the No. 4-rated contender’s four-year winning streak. Ramirez is currently word-rated No. 7 by the WBO.

Undefeated World Boxing Council (WBC) Americas light heavyweight champion “Irish” SEANIE MONAGHAN, one of the top boxing gate attractions in his native New York, will open up the live telecast in his pay-per-view debut. He captured the title on June 14, 2012, via an eighth-round TKO of Romaro Johnson and successfully defended it last October 24, winning a unanimous decision over Rayco Sanders. Known for his aggressive style and good punching power, especially to the body, Monaghan, 31, is currently world-rated No. 10 by the WBA. In last his fight, on April 13, he scored a first-round knockout of Dion Stanley on the undercard of the Nonito Donaire – Guillermo Rigondeaux world junior featherweight championship at Radio City Music Hall. Venturing outside the New York / New Jersey area for the first time, Monaghan (18-0, 11 KOs), of Long Beach, NY, will risk his title, undefeated record and top-10 rating against ANTHONY CAPUTO-SMITH. Smith (14-1, 10 KOs), of Kenneth Square, Pa., captured the Pennsylvania State light heavyweight title on April 19, winning a gritty majority decision over Dhafir Smith.

Remaining tickets to the Bradley vs. Márquez welterweight championship event, priced at $800, $600, $400, $300, $200, $100 and $50, can be purchased at the Thomas & Mack Center Box Office, online at UNLVtickets.com, at UNLVtickets Outlet Town Square Las Vegas Concierge, or by calling 702-739-FANS (3267).



WBO welterweight champion Timothy Bradley explains why he took a pass on a Manny Pacquiao rematch and selected former four division world champion Juan Manuel Marquez as his next opponent. The fight is scheduled to take place on October 12th at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas. HBO Pay-Per-View will carry the fight.

Question: Bradley – Why did you choose Marquez as your next opponent instead of a rematch with Pacquiao?

Bradley: I have always been more interested in looking for new challenges than in doing what has been expected.  Though I was offered a rematch with Manny Pacquiao in Macau, the opportunity to fight another legend of my era — Juan Manuel Márquez — had far more appeal to me for several reasons.

Márquez is a boxing legend and a Méxican icon. He is coming off a career-best victory over his professional nemesis Manny Pacquiao. I am coming off my two career-best victories — over Pacquiao and Ruslan Provodnikov. It just made sense for me to fight Márquez next. Bradley vs. Márquez — a battle between the only two fighters to have beaten Manny Pacquiao in the past seven years. It got me excited as a fighter and as a fan. It was a no-brainer for me.

Challenges are what I am all about. They invigorate me. And the chance to fight Márquez in front of his legion of loyal Hispanic fans?  Heck, I’m riding that wave. I live for a fight like this. He wants to make history by being the first Méxican fighter to win five world titles in five different weight divisions. Chávez, Morales and Barrera never did that. I know he wants to make history. But I want to make my own history and beating Márquez and denying him of his ultimate goal, in the boxing capital of the world, will do just that.

If Manny Pacquiao can beat Brandon Rios in November than maybe we can have our rematch after that fight.  But timing is everything and the time for Bradley vs. Márquez is NOW.  I choose the battles I want to fight and I want to fight Márquez. This is my time.

24/7 Bradley/Marquez debuts Sat., Sept. 28 on HBO immediately after World Championship Boxing tripleheader.

Bradley vs. Marquez welterweight title fight takes place Sat., Oct. 12 live on HBO Pay-Per-View beginning at 9:00pm ET/6:00pm PT.




By:  Jordan Stoddart –

Exciting middleweight titlist Peter Quillin has booked his next outing with a tough assignment against Gabriel Rosado penciled in for October 26th. The fight will be the official co-feature to Bernard Hopkins IBF light-heavyweight title fight with Karo Murat at the Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey live on Showtime. The undefeated Quillin (29(21)-0) is coming off an impressive win over Fernando Guerrero, with the New York based-banger knocking down the Dominican 4 times en-route to an impressive 7th round TKO. Previous to that he was seen destroying the highly rated Hassan N’Dam N’Jikam, knocking down the African 6 times to cement his place amongst the middleweight elite and continue his trend of exciting fights.

Rosado (21(13)-6) lost his last bout on points to J’Leon Love, although luckily enough it was declared a NC after Love failed a doping test. Previous to that he was seen getting outgunned on HBO by current 160 lb superstar Gennady Golovkin back in January. We told you here months ago, that the fan friendly American Quillin was hoping to take his WBO title across to the UK to face solid and dangerous operator Martin Murray, although the Brits promoter bizarrely turned down the fight leaving Quillin and Golden Boy to book Rosado in at the last minute.



La Organización Mundial de Boxeo bajo su programa “Kids Drug Free” donó al Gimnasio de Parcelas Falú en San Juan, Puerto Rico, una lona para el “ring”, la cual fue confeccionada por el artista gráfico Jay Rivera de Feenix Design.

En este acto es reconocida Kiria Tapia, Medallista Olímpica de Oro en boxeo femenino y quien lleva a cabo su entrenamiento en el mencionado gimnasio.  La talentosa deportista  puertorriqueña obtuvo este galardón durante los XVI Juegos Panamericanos celebrados en Guadalajara, México el pasado año 2011 ante la mexicana Erika Cruz, con puntuación de 22-12 en los 60kg.

Tan reciente como en junio del presente año (2013) Kiria Tapia volvió a lucirse obteniendo nuevamente Medalla de Oro como parte de la delegación de boxeo aficionado de Puerto Rico durante la celebración de la V Copa Olímpica Juan Evangelista Venegas en el Centro de Convenciones de México.  La victoria de Kiria Tapia versus Victoria Torres en los 60kg aseguró el campeonato de Puerto Rico sobre México en la premiación de equipos.

Programa “Kids Drug Free” siempre presente en todo lo que promueve calidad de vida a nuestros jóvenes que se desempeñan en el deporte, superándose y llevando una disciplina diaria, libre de drogas, para lograr un mundo mejor.

La OMB/WBO adelante con el boxeo como el deporte que puede realizar los sueños de nuestros niños, juveniles y jóvenes, quienes llevan en sus manos el futuro del Universo.



By:  Mike Dawes –

Ricky Burns will fight again despite breaking his jaw during the controversial draw with Raymundo Beltran on Saturday.

His promoter Eddie Hearn had said that the 30-year-old Scot’s future was in doubt and that he may never box again.

But Burns’ manager Alex Morrison is sure the WBO lightweight world champion will make a comeback.

‘Ricky will definitely fight again, one million per cent,’ Morrison told BBC Scotland.

‘I spoke to him this morning and he is definitely coming back, although when that will be, we don’t know.’

Many onlookers and pundits believe the 32-year-old Mexican Beltran had won the fight.

Burns had to have titanium plates inserted on to his jaw after suffering the injury in the second round, though he did continue through the full 12 rounds.


Painful: Eddie Hearn tweeted this picture of Ricky Burns with his swollen jaw in hospital

Morrisson also believes Burns owes Beltran another shot at the title, and even said Burns is keen for a rematch.

‘It’s the moral thing to do,’ he said. ‘Ricky wants to fight him again here in Scotland in front of another packed crowd.

‘But it will only take place here in Scotland. If Beltran wants a rematch, he’ll have to come here again.’

Earlier, Burns’ promoter Eddie Hearn said that Burns may never fight again.

‘Everyone’s talking about his next move. I can’t even guarantee he’ll box again at the moment,’ Hearn told the BBC.

‘It was a horrific injury to suffer. There have been a few occasions when people have boxed on with broken jaws – I couldn’t imagine anything worse – but they are extraordinary people, fighters, and he found the bravery to carry on.

‘The doctor, who doesn’t know a lot about boxing, was quite astonished when I told him he had boxed for half an hour with a broken jaw.

‘He asked if he had taken any shots on it and I told him that was the understatement of the year.

‘When I spoke to Beltran last night, he said he could hear him almost crying in clinches where the heads were going in on the jaw – unpleasant stuff, but he’s on the mend.’





WBO cruiserweight champion Marco Huck (36-2-1, 25 KOs) suffered a hairline fracture in his left elbow during his last sparring session in advance of his September 14 rematch with Firat Arslan in Stuttgart, Germany. “I’m totally disappointed,” said Huck. “I was in such good form and now the complete preparation was in vain.”

Huck will be out of action for between six and eight weeks. Whether the fight card will go on or not will be decided on Monday. Sauerland Event Managing Director Chris Meyer said, “We are currently exploring what alternatives are possible for the fight evening on September 14.”
