Tomoki Kameda v Immanuel Naidjala - WBO Bantamweight Title

Tomoki Kameda landed a brutal liver shot that ended Pungluang Sor Singyu’s night on the undercard of Canelo Alvarez vs Erislandy Lara.

The WBO bantamweight title was on the line as a special pre-pay-per-view attraction before the Canelo Alvarez vs. Erislandy Lara main card. Undefeated Tomoki Kameda was defending his title against former champion Pungluang Sor Singyu.

The bout was entertaining, but fought in front of a mostly empty arena as Las Vegas boxing crowds arrive late, so a pre-PPV bout wasn’t going to have much by way of fans in the stands.

Singyu was able to land some big shots and even badly hurt Kameda in round four. But Kameda appeared to be clearly up on the cards heading into round seven.

In round seven, Kameda landed some solid shots that cut Singyu around his left eye before landing a brilliant body shot at 1:35 of the round, freezing Singyu in place and causing him to collapse to the canvas in awful pain.

Singyu would not get to his feet as Kameda retained his title with a TKO.

It turned out that the official cards had the fight closer than most observers as it was a draw after six rounds, 58-56 Kameda, 58-56 Singyu and 57-57.

Date:  Saturday, July 12, 2014

WBO Bantamweight Championship Bout

Location:  MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Promoter:  Golden Boy Promotions

Supervisor:   Francisco Valcarcel, Esq.

Referee:  Russell Mora

Judges:  Patricia Morse Jarman, Richard Houck, Cathy Leonard

Results:  Champion Tomoki Kameda retains WBO Bantamweight Title against  Pungluang Sor Singyu by KO in the 7th. round.

TV:  USA Showtime


Ed Brophy

1 Hall of Fame Drive

Canastota, NY 13032

Re: Museum Expansion Project Check

Dear Ed:

I have been told that you have received our check in the amount of $50,000.00 as donation to the International Boxing Hall of Fame for the Museum Expansion Project.

We, at the WBO, share and support the IBHOF’s mission to honor and preserve the historical development of our great sport, and sincerely hope that this donation enables you to further that vision of preserving and exhibiting a permanent collection that showcases our gratitude, is tribute to those who excelled in boxing, and serves as a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Also, as I promised you during my visit to Canastota for this year’s Induction Weekend, we will soon donate a replica of the belt we commissioned for the fourth fight between Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao, a truly special “WBO Champion of the Decade” title to be a part of your permanent exhibit in Canastota, New York.

Once again, we hope this contribution be received as sign of the WBO’s commitment with all that you do and stand for the sport of boxing.

Best Regards,

Paco Valcarcel

PDF File: 140701 to Ed Brophy re Museum Expansion Project

Date:  Saturday, June 28, 2014

WBO Lightweight Championship Bout

Location:  CenturyLink Center, Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Promoter:  Top Rank

Supervisor:  John Duggan

Referee:  Genaro Rodriguez

Judges:  Levi Martinez 78-72 | judge: Dennis Nelson 78-72 | judge:  Robert Hecko 77-73

Results:   Terence Crawford retained the WBO Lightweight Title by TKO on 9th. round against Yuriorkis Gamboa.




Christof Hawerkamp / Foto: P. Gercke –

Mit mindestens vier großen Titelkämpfen kehrt das Magdeburger SES-Box-Team nach fünf Jahren nach Dessau zurück. In Kooperation mit „Dessau-Roßlau sportlich“ wird am 26. Juli 2014 Ex-Weltmeister Robert Stieglitz in der Anhalt-Arena am 26. Juli 2014 um den vakantenWBO-Inter-Conti-Gürtel im Super-Mittelgewicht kämpfen. Sein Gegner in diesem Titelkampf ist ein „Geist“. Diesen Kampfnamen trägt Sergey „The Ghost“ Khomitsky (29-10-2 (12)), der sich vor gut zwei Monaten den Gürtel des WBO-Europameisters in England mit einem K.o. in der sechsten Runde gegen den ungeschlagenen Briten Frank Buglioni sicherte. Robert Stieglitz ist also gewarnt, denn der erfahrene Weißrusse Khomitsky hat sich so wieder auf die Position 9 der WBO-Weltrangliste vorgearbeitet. Mit diesem Gegner wird Robert Stieglitz seine Mission „Das WM-Projekt!“ angehen. Für Robert Stieglitz gilt nun, sich schnellstmöglich in Position zu bringen, um gegen den amtierenden Weltmeister wieder um „seinen“ WBO-Weltmeistergürtel zu boxen. Dafür muss zuerst der „Geist“ Khomitsky besiegt werden!

Robert Stieglitz: „Ich bin heiß auf den Geist! Khomitsky ist für Überraschungen gut, ausgeschlafen und er boxt schlau. Sein Sieg gegen Buglioni kam nicht von ungefähr. Man darf ihn nie und nimmer unterschätzen. Ich bin gewarnt. Wenn ich mir „meinem Gürtel“ zurückholen will, dann geht der Weg nur mit einem klaren Sieg über diesen „Geist“!“

SES-Chef-Coach Dirk Dzemski: „Robert ist seit gut fünf Wochen wieder voll im Training, hochmotiviert und fokussiert. Er ist stärker, wenn er etwas haben will, als wenn er schon etwas hat!“

SES-Promoter Ulf Steinforth: „Khomitsky war der am höchsten gerankte Fighter aus der Rangliste, der sich dem Kampf gegen Robert stellt. Wir wollen die Ungerechtigkeit aus dem WM-Duell mit Abraham so schnell wie möglich wieder gerade rücken!“

Die neue große Herausforderung für Doppel-Weltmeisterin Christina Hammer: in der neuen Gewichtsklasse Junior-Mittelgewicht trifft sie im Kampf um den vakanten WBO-Weltmeistertitel gleich auf „Hochkaräter“ Anne Sophie Mathis


Die Doppel-Weltmeisterin im Mittelgewicht Christina Hammer (17-0-0 (8)), die sich im Jahr 2013 nach einem Ausflug in Super-Mittelgewicht auch in dieser zweiten Gewichtsklasse dieWBO-/WBF-Weltmeistertitel sicherte, steht nun vor einer neuen großen Herausforderung. Mit dem „Abstieg“ in die nächste leichtere Gewichtsklasse und dem sofortigen Angriff auf den vakantenWBO-Weltmeistertitel im Junior-Mittelgewicht geht die Ausnahme-Boxerin Christina Hammer aus Dortmund einen im Boxsport ungewöhnlichen und fast einmaligen Weg. Und, sie macht es sich nicht einfach.

Mit der mehrmalige Welt- und Europameisterin Anne Sophie Mathis (27-3-0 (23)) aus Frankreich hat sie bei dieser „neuen Mission“ gleich eine der stärksten Boxerinnen der Welt als Gegnerin! Mit ihrem K.o.-Rekord von 23 Ko’s in 27 siegreichen Kämpfen ist die Französin Mathis, die in ihrer Heimat spätesten nach ihren Fights gegen die Amerikanerin Holly Holm eine „Box-Legende“ ist, eine riesige Herausforderung!

Christina Hammer: „Ich liebe Herausforderungen und ich will im Frauenboxen neue Maßstäbe setzen. Anne Sophie Mathis ist natürlich in dieser für mich neuen Gewichtsklasse eine echte Größe mit einer riesigen Ko-Quote. Das schockt mich aber nicht und ich stelle mich der Herausforderung, die Besten zu boxen. Es gibt genügend Frauen, die vor mir immer wieder davonlaufen!“

Robin Krasniqi trifft auf Oleksandr Cherviak – der Angriff auf die WM-Titel-Chancen bei  derWBO und der WBA


SES-Halb-Schwergewichtler Robin Krasniqi (41-3-0 (16)) hat neben der Verteidigung seines WBO-International-Titels im Halb-Schwergewicht auch den vakanten WBA-Continental-Titelim Visier. Nach seinem krachenden Ko-Sieg gegen Emmanuel Danso im März in Potsdam hat sich Krasniqi beeindruckend in der Box-Szene zurück gemeldet. Gegen den Ukrainer Oleksandr Cherviak (14-3-1 (4)), der bei der WBA auf Position 8 und bei der WBO als Nummer 15 geführt wird, kann der Münchener Krasniqi nun in zwei Weltranglisten den Sprung nach ganz vorne schaffen. Als Nummer 3 der WBO-Weltrangliste und als siebter im WBARanking hat Robin Krasniqi eine ideale Ausgangsposition, um sich bei einem Sieg zeitnah wieder eine WM-Chance zu erarbeiten.

Robin Krasniqi: „Mein K.o.-Sieg in Potsdam war das Resultat einer klaren Strategie. Mit der Verbesserung meiner taktischen Varianten kann und werde ich jeden schlagen. Cherviak hat gute Namen geboxt und geschlagen, ich aber werde ihn besiegen. Mein einziges Ziel ist ein nächster WM-Kampf. Dieser kann gerne auch gegen Jürgen Brähmer sein!“

SES-Promoter Ulf Steinforth: „Mit dem Kampf um die Titelverteidigung des WBO-International-Titel und um den vakanten WBA-Continental-Titel schlagen wir bei Cherviak „zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe“! Auch ein deutsches Duell mit Jürgen Brähmer kann so dann  möglich werden. Nur, erst einmal muss Robin seine starke Leistung aus dem letzten Kampf in Potsdam wieder abrufen!“

14488835682_e1f5766f7e_nWBO-Inter-Conti-Champion Dominic Bösel wird sich mit großer Fan-Gemeinde erster Titelverteidigung stellen

Dominic Bösel (15-0-0 (5)) aus Freyburg/Unstrutkommt mit seiner großen Fan-Gemeinde in die Dessauer Anhalt Arena. Der ungeschlagene frühere WBO-Junioren-Weltmeister, die Nummer 8 der WBO-Rangliste und der aktuelleWBO-Inter-Conti-Champion im Halb-Schwergewicht,kann sich bei seiner ersten Titelverteidigung im „Senioren-Bereich“ wieder der Unterstützung seiner Fans sicher sein. Mit Bussen werden diese zahlreich nach Dessau reisen und für eine großartige Stimmung sorgen.

Dominic Bösel: „Mit dem Kampf in Potsdam und dem Niederschlag bin ich im „Seniorenbereich angekommen. Es war ein starker Gegner, er hat mir alles abverlangt und ich musste mich in einer Extremsituation beweisen. Das habe ich geschafft und gewonnen!“

SES-Coach Dirk Dzemski: „Dominic hat Willensstärke bewiesen, sich durchgebissen und nach hinten heraus den Kampf wieder „gerade gebogen“. Diese Erfahrung braucht ein junger, hochgelobter Boxer und diese nimmt ihm keiner mehr!“


Date:  Saturday, June 21, 2014

Vacant WBO Featherweight Championship Title

Location:  StubHub Center, Carson, California, USA

Promoter:  Golden Boy Promotions

Supervisor:   Richard De Cuir

Referee:   Jack Reiss

Judges:   Patt Russell (116-112),  Lisa Giampa (114-114), Max DeLuca (116-112)

Results:   Vasyl Lomachenko won the WBO Featherweight Title on majority decision over Gary Russell Jr.

TV:  USA Showtime

Date:  Saturday, June 14, 2014

WBO Interim Bantamweight Championship Bout

Location:  Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico

Promoter:  Promociones Zanfer

Supervisor: Luis Perez

Referee: Samuel Viruet

Judges:   Alejandro Lopez Cid, Adalaide Byrd, Alfredo Polanco

Results: Alejandro Hernandez won by unanimous decision over Daniel Rosas

TV:  Mexico Azteca


This past Saturday, WBO Jr. Welterweight champion Ruslan Provodnikov and undefeated challenger Chris Algieri met with journalists at Uncle Jack’s Steakhouse in New York City to talk about their June 14 title bout at Barclays Center. Their world title bout will be televised live on HBO Boxing After Dark, beginning at 10 PM ET/PT.

Ruslan Provodnikov: My job on June 14 is to chase Algieri and hunt him down. He should be more worried about me. His style of fighting is not my favorite. I prefer an opponent who likes to engage and fight toe-to-toe, not a runner. I don’t have trouble with runners. They have trouble with me.

Chris Algieri: I was in a couple camps with Marcos Maidana and Brandon Rios, sparring for weeks. Both of them, like Ruslan are aggressive, very strong fighters who I had success against in training.

Below are more quotes and images from the media conference.


“Despite winning the title I still feel like a challenger and I train like one. The only thing that has changed for me now that I am a world champion is that I now have more responsibilities, like interviews and appearances.

“This is a very important fight to me because it will show how many fans I can attract. Brooklyn feels like a second home. I hope Barclays Center can become my home arena in the same manner Miguel Cotto has at Madison Square Garden.

“I am focusing on a shorter, more prominent career. I only want the big fights. The fights the fans want to see. I want to make an impact and leave. I do not want to outstay my welcome in boxing. Money has never been my primary goal. I want to make the most out of my abilities to be my best in the ring. The respect of the fans and my achievements mean more to me than a title belt.

“I did not have an easy time growing up in Siberia. I don’t know where my childhood friends are now. Most are probably in jail. I stole food, sniffed glue, smoked and drank. My amateur boxing coach saved my life and helped to redirect my life toward being a productive person.

“I don’t like to spend my money on frivolous things and I haven’t. My family is secure and our life has improved since I have become a champion. The governor of my region is having a sports complex dedicated in my name built. It should be completed in 2015.

“I like to recite Russian poetry to myself as I make my ring walk.

“Most of my original goals have been achieved. When I was younger I would watch Mike Tyson fight. It was my dream to meet him and I finally realized that dream at the BWAA Awards Dinner when he shook my hand and presented me with the Fight of the Year award. Now it is time to set new goals where I can help others.”


“My training in Las Vegas was very good, we had terrific sparring and I’ve been finishing off the last two weeks of camp here in New York City.”

“I’m not in awe of fighting Ruslan at all. I’ve watched him fight in the past and I have a very strong game plan to beat him. I’ve seen what works against him and just as importantly what doesn’t.”

“Emmanuel Taylor who I beat in February was a hard punching, strong fighter who had knocked out a high number of opponents. I wasn’t supposed to beat him or Jose Peralta. The underdog role fits me perfectly.”

“I’ve always loved boxing, but I had success at kickboxing and initially pursued that. My favorite fighter was Oscar De La Hoya, at his peak he could do it all. But boxing has always been my passion, my love.”

“Yes, I’ve go options with my (clinical nutrition) degree, I don’t have to fight but I don’t think that should be a factor in wanting to win any less. I’ve wanted to be a world champion since I started boxing and I want to win just as badly as Ruslan does next Saturday.”

“Barclays is a beautiful venue and I’m sure both of us will have a large fan bases cheering us on.”

“Of course I said yes immediately when offered the fight, fighting for a world title and on HBO is a terrific opportunity. But, also I know that I can beat Ruslan.”

“Sure many people will be shocked when I win, but not me.”

“Long Island has been terrific to me with their local support, it would mean a great deal to the people of Huntington for me to win the world title.”


Fight Week for the WBO world junior welterweight championship fight between defending champion Ruslan Provodnikov and undefeated scholar-brawler and Long Island native Chris Algieri continued Wednesday with a media workout at the Everlast Lab in Hoboken, NJ. Provodnikov, his Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, Algieri, WBO junior middleweight champion Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade, mandatory challenger Brian “The Lion” Rose and female star Heather “The Heat” Hardy where among those on hand.

“The Siberian Rocky” had a chilling message for unbeaten challenger Algieri.

Ruslan Provodnikov: Algieri seems like a smart man and I expect him to be a smart boxer. We’ll see how practical his boxing theories are in the ring on Saturday. If I have to die in the ring to win, that is what I will do. Is Algieri willing to do the same? He had better or he will not defeat me. I do not like fighting boxers who do not engage, like Algieri, but I am used to it. I will chase him and hunt him down. I am a hunter when I am in the ring.

Freddie Roach: He may be undefeated, but Chris Algieri has never faced anyone like Ruslan. He may be a good student in school, but Ruslan will be teaching Algieri a crash course on how to lose on Saturday night. Ruslan is going to pour everything he has into this fight. His sole mission is to turn out Algieri’s lights.

Chris Algieri: Pressure has always made me step up to the competition. I prepared, I am in shape. Fight night, I am going to show who I really am. Ruslan has this great power in his punches but if you can’t land them, the power really doesn’t matter. I have to go out there and control the center of the ring. Push the pace and go out there and use my boxing IQ. I have been preparing for the power by not getting hit. I am not much into prediction but all I can on Saturday, “AND THE NEW….”

Provodnikov-Algieri takes place This Saturday, June 14, at Barclays Center. The fight will be televised live on HBO Boxing After Dark, beginning at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT. The co-main event will feature Andrade-Rose. A replay of Cotto-Martinez will also air on the telecast.

Gym workout for Fightnews.comPhotos by Peter Frutkoff

“The Pride of Huntington” Chris Algieri recently allowed FightNews to photograph his workout at his gym in Bellmore, NY.

Algieri (19-0, 8 KOs) has over the last 18 months elevated himself to a world-class contender after accumulating significant victories over top prospect Jose Alejo, former USBA champion Mike Arnaoutis, and most recently highly-rated contender Emmanuel Taylor in February.

He’s as much a scholar as he is a brawler. He graduated from Stony Brook University with Honors in 2007 with a Bachelors of Science in Health Care Management and then went on to receive his Masters degree from the New York Institute of Technology.

He aspires to attend Medical School.

But before he hits the books to become a doctor, he will step into the ring this Saturday to battle WBO jr welterweight champion Ruslan Provodnikov (23-2, 16 KOs).

Provodnikov is nicknamed the “Siberian Rocky” because of his savage style.

Algieri is a skilled fighter and it is his technical prowess that gives him a fighting chance against an all-out power-punching brawler such as Provodnikov.

Provodnikov versus Algieri will take place Saturday, June 14th, at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center. The fight will be televised live on HBO Boxing After Dark, beginning at 10p ET. Hot and horny teens and coeds masturbating, giving awkward and first blowjobs, posing and swallowing cum getting fucked in hardcore scenes! If need site to download onlyfans rips you are at right place. It have a lot of rips and premium videos from onlyfans and just casual porn megapack with a lot of young and old pornstar.

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August 13, 2013, Denver,CO.  ---  "ROCKY MOUNTAIN RUMBLE" --- Denver's own WBO Jr. Welterweight champion Mike Alvarado poses during a press conference to announce his upcoming world title battle against No. 1 contender Ruslan Provodnikov of Russia , Saturday, October 19 at 1STBANK Center in Denver,Co.  Promoted by Top Rank® and Banner Promotions, in association with Tecate, Alvarado vs. Provodnikov will be televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing®, beginning at 9:45 p.m. ET/PT.   --- Photo Credit : Chris Farina - Top Rank (no other credit allowed) copyright 2013

LONDON – Boxing star Mike Alvarado has vowed to bounce back in style by retiring Mexican legend Juan Manuel Marquez.

The pair meet this Saturday night, live and exclusive on BoxNation, with Denver’s Alvarado looking to impress following his punishing ten-round stoppage to WBO light-welterweight world champion Ruslan Provodnikov in his previous outing.

The brutal defeat last October came following an impressive string of wins for the exciting Alvarado who had battled his way past a host of top names including Brandon Rios, Mauricio Herrera and Breidis Prescott.

Now, however, the 33-year-old is out to end the glittering career of four-division world champion Marquez as he aims to get back to winning ways.

“Retiring a legend is going to be huge,” said Alvarado. “I respect Marquez and his great career but now is my time. This is one of those opportunities that you cannot miss and I will give everything in the ring to get the win. It’ll be a great fight and I have to fight without any mistakes to beat Marquez.

“This is a huge step in my life to redeem myself and I know that this is only going to make me a better person, a better fighter and a better man in my life. I respect Marquez fully, he’s a legend in this game, he’s already made his mark. This is the perfect opportunity for me to redeem myself and even retire a legend,” he said.

Alvarado believes he has grown and matured since the Provodnikov bout, with the pressure of a high-profile comeback against Marquez something he will thrive on.

“When Top Rank called and offered a fight with Marquez I started jumping around – I was so excited because I have the opportunity to get into the ring and retire a Mexican legend.

“I’m great under pressure and I’m going to fight like the ‘Old Mike’ and use my power and my will to beat Marquez. I made a mistake of looking past Ruslan Provodnikov. He jumped on me and got me in a bad situation. He had such an awkward style,” said Alvarado.

“The difference against Marquez will be my power. I am going to train super hard for my biggest fight. I am very excited,” he said.

Pound-for-pound ace Manny Pacquiao impressed in his victory against Tim Bradley last month, with Alvarado aware a win over Marquez will set up some even bigger showdowns in the near future.

The 40-year-old Marquez has seen it all during his star-studded career, having shared the ring with boxing’s best Floyd Mayweather, plus an enthralling four bouts with Pacquiao.

Fighting at The Forum in Inglewood, California, where Marquez established his career, the renowned Mexican counter-puncher is sure that fireworks will be produced when the two all-action fighters go head-to-head this Saturday.

“Alvarado is a very strong fighter who always gets in the ring in great condition and never gives you a break in the ring,” said Marquez. “I need to prepare very well, Alvarado is a great challenge. I am very happy to fight in the place where I started my career.

“Alvarado likes to fight and I like to fight, and the people want to see a great fight and this will be great fight. I like these kinds of challenges. Alvarado is a tremendous fighter but I’ve trained very hard for this fight and feel like I’m just 23 years old, like when I started my career at The Forum,” he said.–77805


By Cliff Rold –

He doesn’t even have to win.

This weekend, all WBO 115 lb. titlist Omar Narvaez (41-1-2, 22 KO) has to do is not lose and he’ll have made his tenth consecutive defense of the belt he won in 2010 after a lengthy WBO reign at 112.

How lengthy?

Long enough to post sixteen defenses from 2002-09 before he moved up in weight.

Why do those two numbers matter?  What is the significance of 16 and 10?

If Narvaez successfully defends this weekend against the relatively inexperienced Antonio Garcia (13-1, 6 KO), he will become the first fighter in boxing history to score double-digit consecutive title defenses in two weight classes.  Scouring the records, there were others who came close but no one else who actually crossed the threshold in two classes.

Omar Narvaez will, for most American fans, always be remembered as the guy who stunk it out challenging Nonito Donaire for a Bantamweight title.  His career has been more that that.  This numerical achievement will be a healthy place to hang his hat.

How much meaning can be drawn from it?

It’s a mixed bag.  Surely there are others that could have done this.  In the days of men like Mickey Walker, the volume of fights contested could have lent itself to some wild defense numbers.  The titles just weren’t defended as frequently in many classes.  Julio Cesar Chavez made nine defenses of his 130 lb. title and a dozen consecutive defenses in his first reign at 140.  That’s one short.  An extra payday in Mexico City in the first class could have given him history.

It didn’t happen.

So it’s an accomplishment of circumstance in part.

One still has to be good enough to be in position for circumstance to work out for them.

Narvaez is a much better fighter than seen in the failure against Donaire.  While his competition has sometimes been of the handpicked, regional-draw-with-a-title variety, there has been quality.  His reign at 112 was better overall than the run at 115, the level of his challengers there superior.  Carlos Tamara, Andrea Sarritzu, Rayonta Whitfield, Bernard Inom, and Brahim Asloum were all legitimate threats turned back by the awkward Argentine.  At 115, Cesar Seda stands out as a solid defense as does Felipe Orucuta (and there was a solid case that Orucuta got hosed there).

There is also some of the lunacy of the modern boxing game to be considered.  It’s often hard to define achievement in an era with four alphabet bodies handing out titles (including interim and other such designations) versus eras with less.  Consider that, while Narvaez was wracking up 16 defenses at Flyweight, Pongsaklek Wonjongkam was setting the divisional defense mark (lineal and WBC) at 17.

They never fought.

Joe Calzaghe and Sven Ottke both made 21 alphabet title defenses at Super Middleweight during the same era.

They never fought.

These numbers aren’t exactly Louis’s 25. Since the titles at Bantamweight and Flyweight split initially decades ago, and then their sister classes came into being, unification has been rare.  Rather than world titles, often what happens is that belts wind up stuck in regional loops, acting cash draws that have more value uncontested by the world at large.

There generally weren’t as many Jr. class opportunities in different eras and the lower classes were not as fractured.  For instance, the proliferation of titles in the lower weight classes allows for at least 12 ‘world champs’ from 105-112 where once there was just one 112 lb. World champion.

That’s a lot of watering down.

And yet there it is, the chance at a historical first.  While 16 and 10 might not signify that Narvaez was ever clearly the best of the beltholders running around, and they don’t tell the whole tale on the level of challengers he’s sought out as his reign in division number two wears on, it certainly wasn’t easy to get there.

At 38, Narvaez can be lauded for his consistency, for the professionalism it takes to keep showing up ready to go.  Off nights or poor preparation have interrupted or ended many a title run for better fighters.  Narvaez keeps going.

Antonio Garcia is in the way of Omar Narvaez’s own little piece of history this weekend.  All he has to do is not lose and Narvaez will add something unique and new to the annals of boxing lore.

Cliff’s Notes…

It doesn’t take much to get people talking about the Heavyweights in the US.  Give them a rumble, end with a knockout, and then talk about more fights where someone is likely to get knocked out.  Bermane Stiverne did his job well last weekend…When is Akira Yaegashi-Roman Gonzalez going to get done?  It is a mandatory, right?  Starting to wonder what the hold up is…Outside of Manny Pacquiao, is Donnie Nietes the best Filipino fighter in the world right now?  He might be…Derek Carr went to the Raiders.  As a lifelong, though reserved, Raiders fan that could be great.  As a Fresno State fan, we’ll see.–77821


By:  Tim Daniels-

Donnie Nietes retained the WBO Junior flyweight title by earning a ninth-round knockout of Moises Fuentes at the Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay, Philippines.

After the referee stoppage, the WBO congratulated the Filipino champion on his third straight defense:

Congratulations to Donnie Nietes who stops Moises Fuentes in Rd 9 to retain his Junior Flyweight Championship of the World!

nietes.140421.450wPhoto:  by Dong Secuya –

Article by:  Ronnie Nathanielsz –

WBO light flyweight champion Donnie “Ahas” Nietes is in terrific shape for his mandatory rematch against Interim champion Moises Fuentes of Mexico in the main event of “Pinoy Pride XXV” at the Mall of Asia Arena on Saturday.

Strength and conditioning coach Nick Curson told the Standard that Nietes “looks amazing. His  physique has changed and so has his endurance which was always kind of suspect” as evidenced in his first fight against Fuentes when Nietes appeared to fade in the last couple of rounds which was aggravated by two cuts he suffered above his eyebrows.

Curson revealed that they had done some “altitude training” using a simulator which he brought from the US and has used for the last month. He indicated that as a result of his overall training regimen Nietes “looks phenomenal.”

He said Nietes “has been sparring with some great guys such as Milan Melindo and former IBF light flyweight champion Johnreil Casimero who lost his title on the scales last week when he came in five pounds over the 108 limit.

The strength and conditioning coach told us that in his first fight with Fuentes, Nietes “tired out” and that now “he knows his faults and has been working on the fight strategy.”

He echoed what trainer Edito “Ala” Villamor told us and that is Nietes “looked great (in sparring) and he is ready to go. His conditioning is there and I don’t see why he can’t win.”

Curson was clearly impressed with featherweight Rey “Boom Boom” Bautista who is making a comeback after a close , twelve round split decision loss to Jose Ramirez more than one year ago.

He said Bautista has “improved so much. He was so tense, so tight in his last fight that every punch appeared it would knock him down.” Curson disclosed that the flaws have been corrected and “now he’s got head movement, his muscles are more relaxed and he looks like he is 19 again and the kid they were talking about as the next Manny Pacquiao.”

During a workout last Saturday, Curson said Bautista “ he was like a Mike Tyson. This kid was so loose and explosive. It was great to see.”

Recalling that “Boom Boom’S father “used to throw him in the water when he was 5 or 6 years old to get the fishing nets out he has known hard work his whole life” but pointed out that “brute strength doesn’t work well in boxing.”

Curson said “ you have to have a little bit of finesse, combined with a little bit of that and explosive power and that’s what we’ve been working on. I think he’ll look good in this fight and show great improvement. I think it will take one or two more fights to see what he is really capable of. I think at that point he will be a world champion. I really do.”–77638


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By Karl Freitag –


Undefeated world champions Terence Crawford and three-division champ Yuriorkis Gamboa, who share identical records of 23-0 with 16 KOs, today officially announced their June 28 clash for Crawford’s newly-won WBO lightweight title at the CenturyLink Center in Omaha, Nebraska. In an unusual press conference, Gamboa made his statement, then Crawford spoke. But rather than having things wrap up, Gamboa wanted to come back to the podium to rebut Crawford and the debate was on.

Yuriorkas Gamboa: I came here to prove to everyone, my critics and fans alike that I’m willing to fight Terrance in his own backyard so everyone can witness a great fight.

Terrance Crawford: It’s going to be a good fight. I know that. Gamboa is a truly incredible champion. I have nothing bad to to say about the man. The only thing I can say is he shouldn’t have took this fight.

Bob Arum: OK. This is usually for a debate but I’m willing to go along with it…a rebuttal from the challenger Yuriorkas Gamboa.

Yuriorkas Gamboa: I didn’t make any error in choosing this fight. Before you speak you’ve got to compare the records and look at my record versus yours. Just measure the caliber of fighters you fought versus the caliber of fighters I fought.

Terrance Crawford: One thing. You ain’t fought me yet.

Yuriorkas Gamboa: You’ve never fought an Olympic champion like I am and a three division world champion. You can’t say that.

Terrance Crawford: Hey. This ain’t amateurs. This is the professional game. You got a zero, but it’s going to be a loss.

Yuriorkas Gamboa: Exactly. I’m a three category world champion and what are you?

Terrance Crawford: I’m the champion. You’re the challenger.

Yuriorkas Gamboa: In the professional ranks you can’t say what I say. I’ve fought in three categories and been crowned world champion in three categories. You’ve only done it in one category.

Terrance Crawford: Interim don’t count. I’m the champion. You’re the challenger. You’re going to see June 28th.

Bob Arum: One thing that’s great about boxing. On June 28, it’ll all be decided. The fighters will decide who is the best.

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looking-for-mayweatherWhile he’s the WBO junior middleweight champion, Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade aspires to a much bigger goal. He hopes to take on one of boxing’s all-time greats in Floyd Mayweather Jr., who this past weekend pocketed $32 million in beating Marcos Maidana. Andrade is in Jacksonville working with his massage therapist while he continues training for a title defense June 14 on HBO.  John Sudbrink/The Daily News –

By Rick Scoppe-

Six years after returning from the Olympics without a medal following a disputed quarterfinal loss in Beijing, Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade is 20-0 as a professional and the World Boxing Organization junior middleweight champion.

To some, that might seem a rapid ascent.

But if the 26-year-old southpaw has his way, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

While his first title defense against WBO top-rated mandatory challenger Brian “The Lion” Rose (25-1, 7KOs) is scheduled for June 14 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., on HBO, Andrade has bigger aspirations – much bigger aspirations.

His eyes, not to mention his “mind, body and soul,” are on the prize, which is none other than to face one of the sports’ all-time greats, 37-year-old Floyd Mayweather Jr., the nine-time, five-division world champion who beat Marcos Maidana on Saturday night in a majority decision for the 46th victory in his career that is without a blemish.

As soon as the fight was finished there were those calling for a rematch, but if Andrade has his way he’ll be next to step into the ring against Mayweather, who earned $32 million for his latest victory.

“I’m just ready to get in there, whup the lion (Rose) and tame him; he’s going to be my little cub and I’m going for the big shot,” Andrade said. “I do want Mayweather. There’s nobody out there for me other than him.”

First, however, Andrade, must beat Rose. To do that, Andrade said he’s working hard in training camp, which for the past week has been in Jacksonville, where he came to see his massage therapist, Lori-Ann Gallant-Heilboran, whom he first worked with during the 2008 Olympics. Along with working with her, Andrade has been working out both in town as well as aboard Camp Lejeune.

“We’re just bracing ourselves for whatever we have to do on fight night. That brought us up here,” Andrade said during an interview at The Daily News office. “We’re doing everything we need to do.”

Andrade, who was born in Providence, R.I., and now lives in Atlanta, won the WBO title in November, claiming a 12-round, split-decision over 2004 U.S. Olympian Vanes “Nightmare” Martirosyan (33-1-1, 21 KOs) on Nov. 11.

Andrade said Martirosyan “kind of ran the whole night,” and some observers questioned the judge who scored the bout for Martirosyan. Nonetheless, Andrade won the title and now faces Rose as the co-main event at the 18,103-seat Barclays Center.

“Winning the title is just the beginning, the first part of being a superstar or being one of the greats,” Andrade said. “Anybody can win on any given night a title. It’s about what you’re going to do afterwards, if you can hold onto it for longevity, and that’s what I plan on doing. We’re working extremely hard and smarter and doing everything we need to do to overcome whatever comes our way.”

Starting with Rose, a bout Andrade predicted won’t go the distance. Then, he hopes and dreams, it’s on to Mayweather.

“When I win June 14th…, I would call Mayweather out. But I can’t rely on that guy. He pretty much is self-made and picks his opponent and is going to go whatever’s going to generate the most income. Can I blame him for that? No. He’s already did everything in the sport he needed to do. But if he wants to go against somebody that’s undefeated, going to give him an arduous time in that ring, that’s me,” Andrade said.

“I’m ready if he wants to do it. If not, all I can do, and all I told my supporters and my believers and myself, is I will carry the torch when his time is up.”

Mayweather has three fights left on a lucrative six-fight contract, which leaves him room to fight Andrade – if he decides to. Does Andrade believe that one night he’ll slip through the ropes to take on Mayweather?

“It’s hard to tell. Can it happen? Maybe. It’s 50-50 chance. It’s up in the air,” he said. “I’m undefeated with a belt. There’s nobody else in the 154 weight class that’s undefeated, that’s long, that’s slick and that will give him a difficult time, and people want to see it. I know I haven’t been fighting a long time like him. … But now that I’m the WBO (champ) the light’s starting to come toward my way I can be able to call out top guys now. It’s up to them to take the fight.”

And make no mistake about it, if he beats Rose next month, Andrade will stand up on HBO and proclaim he wants Mayweather.

“I will be shouting him out,” he said. “I don’t see anybody else in the 154 division other than me to get in the ring with him, but there are fighters at 147 he can fight also. It’s on him. He can do whatever he wants to do. My job is to keep on winning, give the fans what they want so they can keep shouting my name. If it doesn’t happen, I’m going to be the one that carries that torch and gives excitement and be the next greatness of boxing.”



10250166_901390479878209_9155822930572484568_nIMG_2394Adolfo Flores Monge, WBO Treasurer,  represented the organization in the “13th. Invitacional Cupey Track”, May 3, 2014 at San Juan, Puerto Rico.IMG_2373IMG_2374IMG_2375IMG_2379IMG_2384IMG_2383IMG_2398Thanks to the Amateurs,  professionals boxers in Puerto Rico and Jose H. Rivera for the great job supporting the “13 Invitacional Cupey Track”.




In its desire to continue its advocacy of getting off our kids from the streets and free from drugs, the WBO Kids Drug Free Program – Philippines, have celebrated again have its summer sportsfest. 

The sportsfest have been participated by youth from the different barangays of Mandaue City, Cebu. The participants are from ages 12 to 19.  The event was held on Friday, May 02 at 4:00 p.m. with a parade from the corner of Anita’s bakeshop to the sports facility of Greenhills, Casuntingan, Mandaue City.   The opening has been started with the distribution of the WBO backpacks on time for the school opening, snacks and WBO KDFP shirts. 

No less than the Vice-President of WBO – Leon Panoncillo, Jr. will personally grace and opened the sports fest. Prizes was at stake for the champions of each age bracket. 


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By Ronnie Nathanielsz –

Mexico’s mandatory challenger for the WBO light flyweight title of Donnie “Ahas” Nietes, Moises Fuentes, arrived yesterday a full ten days before his scheduled rematch which promises to be an all-out war.

Fuentes who arrived with trainer Julio Barrera, brother of Mexican legend Marco Antonio Barrera looked “really good, ripped and ready” according to ALA Promotions vice president Dennis Canete.

Fuentes and his supporters including Marco Antonio Barrera in whose gym he trains, expressed their displeasure over the majority draw that enabled Nietes to retain his title in their first clash and have vowed to avenge that setback in which American judges Adalaide Byrd and Pat Russel scored the fight a 114-114 draw while Filipino judge Danrex Tapdasan whose assignment the Fuentes camp initially objected to, had Nietes the winner 115-113.

Nietes himself was not satisfied with the decision and is determined to erase any doubts as to who is indeed the champion.

He has trained harder than ever before for the much-awaited showdown at the Mall of Asia Arena on May 10 and has vowed not to make the same mistakes he made in their first fight by getting drawn into a brawl with Fuentes who likes to drive his opponent against the ropes and throw flurries  to the body and head.

ALA Promotions president Michael Aldeguer told Standard that if Nietes only sticks to the gameplan he should have no trouble overcoming the challenge of Fuentes.

Nietes who is chasing the record of the late Gabriel “Flash” Elorde who reigned as world junior lightweight champion for nearly seven-and-a-half- years trained in the Wild Card Gym in Los Angeles and also in San Diego and sparred with hard-hitting former world champion Giovanni Segura and American Matthew Villanueva.

Fuentes who has a record of 19-1-1 with 10 knockouts has won three bouts in a row since the Nietes title fight, scoring TKO victories over Luis De La Rosa who lost badly to IBF champion Johnreil Casimero and Omar Salado.

Nietes, on the other hand, is coming off a spectacular 3rd round TKO over former WBC Silver champion Sammy Gutierrez last November in a fight when Nietes dropped Gutierrez three times, twice in the opening round.

The “Pinoy Pride XXV” fight  card will be telecast by the giant broadcast network ABS-CBN WITH 2012 “Fighter of the Year” Nonito “The Filipino Flash” Donaire joining Atty. Ed Tolentino and this reporter on the television panel.–77285


By Ronnie Nathanielsz –

WBO light flyweight champion Donnie “Ahas” Nietes, who clashes in a mandatory rematch against Mexico’s Moises Fuentes at the Mall of Asia Arena on May 10 has looked impressive in training.

ALA Promotions president Michael Aldeguer told Standard  “Donnie is ready for this chance. It’s the biggest fight out there for Donnie. It will be a tough fight. I’ve never seen him work so hard – he trained in the US has a great conditioning coach now in Nick Curson and he’s ready to go.”

Aldeguer said Nietes who is chasing the record of the late junior lightweight champion Gabriel “Flash” Elorde who reigned as champion for almost seven-and-a-half years “ is really right up  there. This is a fight that is going to be defining is career. We are happy to bring it to the Philippines.”

He said Nietes “has to stick to the game plan. He has a good right – picks his punches” but was carried away in his first encounter with Fuentes when he “got into a brawl which is not his fight.”

Aldeguer disclosed that right now his trainers as well as Nietes  “are reviewing the tapes and looking at what he did right and what he did wrong”. He believes Nietes “has matured a lot. He knows that to make history this is the fight. If he wants to break the record of Flash Elorde this is the fight that will define him and his career.”

Nietes showed he had power when he dropped former WBC Silver champion Sammy Gutierrez three times en route to a 3rd round TKO at the  famed Araneta Coliseum and showed he has power.

Aldeguer noted that “early in his career Donnie was one of the biggest punchers we had in the stable and he then became a very calculating fighter. He knew how to win and became comfortable with that.”

Nietes understands that against Fuentes “ that he needs a convincing win and needs to dominate Fuentes and do the right things and I think he’s learned a lot. He is ready to go and it’s a fight for his life. And I think it wont be an easy fight  but I think it will define what Donnie really is.”

Aldeguer believes that if he followed the game plan in their first fight “he would have won easily. There is no question why he will not win” in the rematch.–77034












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WBO super middleweight champion Arthur Abraham (39-4, 28KOs) and Nikola Sjekloca (26-1, 8KOs) went face to face at the final press conference for their upcoming showdown. The fight takes place at the Velodrom in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany. Abraham is making his first defense after recapturing the title in March with a hard-fought win over Robert Stieglitz in their trilogy match.











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Photo:  Arthur Abraham official page –

On May 3, Arthur Abraham plans to defend his WBO super middleweight crown against Nikola Sjekloca.

In this interview, the prodigy of coach Ulli Wegner talks about his quick return to the squared circle – having regained the title just this past March – and what he thinks about a possible fourth match up with compatriot Robert Stieglitz.

Only two months ago, you won back the WBO Super Middleweight World Championship from Robert Stieglitz. You will defend that title on May 3. Do you have something to prove?

No. I do not have to prove anything to anyone, except myself. I want to show that I am still hungry for success and also want to conserve my current shape by staying active. I can take a break when I am 40 years old – being retired for good.

Before you beat Stieglitz for the WBO Title, a lot of fans and experts said that you have had enough. Was your answer inside the ring also an answer to your critics?

I also had good tactics at hand in the rematch with Stieglitz, but his “lucky punch” rendered them void. I had the same kind of preparation for our rubber match and you saw what happened there. If I would have a lack of motivation I would have hang the gloves up rather today than tomorrow. I do not give a damn about what the critics say about it.

What about a fourth meeting with Stieglitz in the future?

We have given the fans an action-packed fight recently and I can envision that we can still give them another good fight. However, if it will come this far – I do not now. First, Stieglitz has to earn the chance to make it happen. Maybe he has to go up against someone like Tyron Zeuge, who might be too much for Stieglitz to overcome.

Next up for you is a title defense against Nikola Sjekloca. What are your thoughts on him?

He is physical strong and has only lost once to current world champion Sakio Bika. His technique is also respectable but it still will not be enough to beat me.

When you first met Sjekloca at the kick-off press conference earlier this month, he talked more about a possible unification with Bika than about fighting you. Does he lack the proper respect for you?

I do not care for his future plans. And by the way: who is the world champion – him or me? Before it gets tough inside the ring, a lot of fighters can talk a good game but cannot follow up their words with action. Watch my fight on May 3 to see this happen again.

Moreover, how do you want to earn Sjekloca’s respect?

With my punching power. When my first hard punch lands precisely, Sjekloca will know what he is up against. Then it will show what he is made of.

Your coach Ulli Wegner said that you are still progressing as a boxer. How long do you want to go on with your career?

I hope for at least another 2-3 years. I am feeling that I still have the potential to fight against the world’s best. I am still aiming to take revenge for some of my losses, like against Andre Ward. But now, it is all about beating Sjekloca on May 3.–77171



By Shaun Brown /

Only in boxing.

Two friends punch lumps out of one another for half an hour, putting aside their friendship for local bragging rights and to take another step on the ladder to fighting for world honours. And when Anthony Crolla 28-4-1 (11 KOs) had finally halted the unrelenting and valiant challenge of John Murray 33-3 (20 KOs) after 10 rounds in front of a fervent Manchester crowd last Saturday night, the two British lightweights shook hands and continued their friendship after the dust had settled.

With Crolla in a “Zombie like state” for a few days after a lack of sleep due to aches and pains, he then received a call from the friend that gave them to him.

“It was really nice of him (Murray) to phone,” Crolla told BoxingScene.

“We said we’ll meet up in the next week or two and grab some food or something. We just talked about the fight and we had a good chat. It was really nice to go over it. We both enjoyed the night, the occasion, the build-up and everything that came with it. It was a great thing for Manchester boxing and for us both to be involved in. We were mates before it and after a great fight like that we’re still mates I have even more respect for him now.”

With his body now healed, Crolla told me he is ready to go again. After three of his last four bouts having been against top ten British lightweights, the 27-year-old is now looking for a world title shot in the coming months and hopes that a win in his next fight, at the very least, will earn him a spot to contest one.

“The domestic scene is fantastic and there’s some great fights there but I feel like I’ve paid my dues. I’ve not got a problem fighting those fighters but the ultimate goal is a world title. If it’s not my next fight then I’d like to get in a position to fight for one.

“It’s not for me to say I’m above that level but I feel as though I’ve earned my shot. I’ve earned my stripes. I’ve been in good domestic fights and not ducked anyone. Now hopefully [my promoter] Eddie [Hearn] and the team behind me are gonna do their very best to get me a world title shot at some point. I’d like some sort of meaningful fight. I’m not saying Saturday wasn’t one, I don’t mean it like that, but I want a big fight for me. I believe I’ve earned my shot and I don’t believe anyone can say differently.”

Crolla knows that whichever world champion he could possibly face at 135lbs, it will be anything but straightforward. In Terence Crawford (WBO), Miguel Vazquez (IBF), Richar Abril (WBA) and Omar Figueroa (WBC) there are various challenges of craft, guile, awkwardness and grit. Crolla doesn’t mind who it is in the other corner.

“If any of those fights were offered I’d snap their hands off and take it,” he said.

“You can’t look at those world champions and say ‘That route’s better, that route’s easier’. I honestly believe it’s one of the toughest divisions. I know it is domestically but on the world stage when you look those fighters, if you asked the opinion of boxing people who the best lightweight is they’d be split. I honestly couldn’t say which one was harder or easier. It’d be a pleasure to share a ring with any of them.”

And what about Ricky Burns? The Scot who was comfortably out-pointed when losing his WBO belt to Crawford last month had been consistently linked with Crolla during his reign as a world champion. I asked the Mancunian if the fight still interests him.

“I’ve got great respect for Ricky. We’ve been due to fight a few times and it’s not happened. Ricky’s a great fighter and I want to test myself against the best and I see a fight with Ricky as that being what I would be doing. If the fight happens, it happens. If not, so be it. I don’t want to be chasing that fight and be the way Junior Witter was to Ricky Hatton. It’d be a pleasure to fight him. Ricky’s going his route and I’m going my route and if our paths cross, and there’s a good chance they will then the fight will happen. At the minute it won’t be happening.”

There were doubts about Crolla when he moved up to 135lbs from 130lbs a few years ago. Would he be strong enough? Is he not just a Super featherweight? Will he have the power? With wins over former world champion, Gavin Rees and former world title challenger, John Murray, those questions have been comprehensively answered. His confidence is growing. His performances are improving and credit is down to him and his trainer Joe Gallagher. So why does Gallagher come in for so much flak these days, especially on social networks?

“There’s some brilliant boxing fans out there, 99% of them are but you get the small minority. Whatever they want to say about Joe is their opinion and they’re entitled to it but what you can’t deny is that he’s doing brilliant things in a big way.

“I think if you get a parody account made about you then you’re doing something right (laughs). Those people that have done that have done Joe a favour. It’s given him more and more publicity. It does make me laugh. I’ve saw people on social networks say: ‘I’ve got nowt against Crolla but I want him to get knocked out because I can’t stand Gallagher’. We’re a team, what do you want me to say?: ‘Yeah, great don’t worry about it. You want me to get knocked out?’ If you’re wishing Joe’s fighters to get knocked out to get at Joe then you’re wishing it to us personally as well.”

Like the rest of the close-knit Gallagher’s gym, Crolla shrugs off the stick that his trainer gets. He knows he has the right man in his corner and is continually seeing improvements in all aspects of his boxing with much more to come.

“I believe I’m improving all the time. I’ve got a lot more improving to do which is a good thing. I’ve grown as a fighter and the last few performances have been getting better. And with each fight I want to raise my performance which is something that I believe that I’m more than capable of doing.”–77198

Peter-Quillin-vs-Konecny-rob-carr-gettyPeter Quillin (L) throws an uppercut at Lukas Konecny on the April 19 undercard of Bernard Hopkins vs. Beibut Shumenov in Washington, D.C. Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images.

WASHINGTON — WBO middleweight titleholder Peter Quillin had made a point that he would be after what would be his 13th knockdown over his last five fights, if not a stoppage over challenger Lukas Konecny.

Although Quillin (31-0, 22 knockouts) got neither against Konecny (50-5, 23 KOs), who never has been stopped, he unanimously decisioned his man — 119-109, 119-109 and 120-108 — on Saturday night at the D.C. Armory on Showtime.

Quillin had Konecny bleeding from the nose in the eighth, and from over the right eye in the 10th, but his fight drew little in the way of reaction from fans until they began to boo him in the 10th.

“He was a tough customer and came to fight, and that’s what the fans want to see. I’m here to inspire kids. That’s my mission and goal. We can always throw more jabs. There are tons of things that I can do. I will go back home and watch the tape and see what else I need to do.”

“I was looking for a knockout, but it didn’t happen. If Danny Jacobs is next, let’s do it. I’m also interested in fighting the winner of Sergio Martinez and Miguel Cotto, or Julio Cesar Chavez and Gennady Golovkin.”

Quillin-Konecny was the opening bout of a tripleheader whose main event matches IBF light heavyweight beltholder Bernard Hopkins (54-6-2, 32 knockouts) against WBA counterpart Beibut Shumenov (14-1, 9 KOs). Between Quillin-Konecny and Hopkins-Shumenov is a welterweight bout between IBF titleholder Shawn Porter (23-0-1, 14 KOs) and Paulie Malignaggi (33-5, 7 KOs).

A 35-year old making his debut on American soil, having fought mostly in his home country, the Czech Republic, Konecny was after his third straight win since falling by unanimous decision to Zaurbek Baysangurov by unanimous decision in 2012.

In succession, Quillin had floored Winky Wright once during a unanimous decision in June 2012, dropped Hassan N’Dam six times during a unanimous decision for the belt in October of that year, scored four knockdowns in a seventh-round knockout of Fernando Guerrero last April, and one more in during a 10th-round stoppage of Gabriel Rosado in October.

Quillin was workmanlike, but not dazzling against Konecny, whom he out-landed, 403-to-197.

“There was nothing that I didn’t expect. I would have expected a harder fight. Quillin is a good champion and a good fighter, but not a great one,” said Konecny. “He definitely beat. I hope to continue to fight in America.”

Quillin out-landed Konecny, 32-6, in the first round, where the challenger approached behind a high-guard — elbows tucked in close and his fists high around each of his ears — but rarely punched.

Konecny drove home a couple of nice uppercuts in the second round, where he was, nevertheless, outworked yet again.Konecny had more success in the third, where he occasionally trapped Quillin on the ropes and landed uppercuts and overhand rights against the countering Quillin.

In the fourth, Quillin kept the fight more in the center of the ring, pumping his jab with success and driving home the occasional body blow. Quillin spun off the ropes nicely during one exchange, and at round’s end walked to a neutral corner and shouted something to fellow middleweight Danny Williams, who was working as a ringside commentator.

The fifth and sixth rounds were more of the same, with Quillin going more to the body. By the seventh, it was clear that Konecny was feeling the body shots and uppercuts as he wobbled, noticeably, back to his corner at round’s end. The eighth was mostly one-sided for Quillin, who bloodied Konecny’s nose with a hard right hand in the middle of it. The ninth was more of the same.