
El campeón Internacional de la WBO, César Juárez, ha cumplido todos sus objetivos y ahora va por el más grande en su carrera

El ser campeón Internacional de peso supergallo de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (WBO) y primer clasificado en la división, no fue un recorrido fácil para el capitalino César Juárez, quien es un peleador que ha aprovechado cada oportunidad en el ring, tal como lo demostró hace unas semanas al vencer en su propia tierra al sinaloense Juan Carlos ‘Zurdito’ Sánchez.

El púgil capitalino platicó con ESTADIO, acompañado por su representante Sean Gibbons (Top Rank y Zanfer), así como por su padre y preparador físico, Margarito Juárez, y parte del equipo, en una charla donde habló desde sus inicios, recordando que como peleador amateur venció en una final nacional al sonorense Óscar Valdez.

“Fui tres veces campeón nacional. En una de esas finales, vencí a Óscar Valdez. Lo recuerdo bien, fue en 2006, en Apizaco, Tlaxcala. Como amateur, gané 106 peleas y perdí seis”, rememoró el monarca Internacional en las 122 libras de la WBO.

IMG_20150817_104249_756  Juárez, junto a su representante Sean Gibbons.

Con 23 años de edad y récord de 19-3, 14 nocauts, Juárez ya tiene experiencia internacional con la victoria que se apuntó en Las Vegas sobre el puertorriqueño César Seda, que lo catapultó a la pelea de campeonato contra el ‘Zurdito’ Sànchez.

Aunque esa noche tenía todo en contra, señaló que su gran preparación lo sacó adelante, aguantando un clima bastante fuerte con mucha humedad y muy poca ventilación tras doce rounds frenéticos.

“Las oportunidades son para aprovecharlas. Sabía que esa pelea no la podía perder, que era mi oportunidad. Soy un peleador que se prepara bastante bien, pero esta vez lo hice al doble para ganar. Todo nos resultó, salimos con el brazo, vencimos al ‘Zurdito’ y al clima al que uno no está acostumbrado”, indicó con una sonrisa, mostrando su cinturón de campeón.

IMG_20150817_104332_922 Juárez, acompañado por su equipo de trabajo.

Tiene licenciatura y maestría

En el deporte en general, es difícil encontrar a un atleta que divida su tiempo con los estudios.

César Juárez es uno de esos casos contados que hay en el deporte mexicano, al tener una carrera universitaria en Leyes y además una maestría.

“Decidí ser profesional para solventar mis gastos. Yo sabía que tenía cualidades para destacar como profesional, eso también nos impulsó para dejar el amateur y dar el salto como profesional.

“Cuando empecé a cobrar por mis primeras peleas, ese dinero lo utilizaba para pagarme la carrera. Mis padres me ayudaron mucho, ellos también me apoyaban económicamente. Ese dinero siempre lo vi como una inversión para terminar mi carrera como abogado y hacer después la maestría”, manifestó con gesto de satisfacción.

Como monarca Internacional, afirmó que lo que sigue es buscar el campeonato mundial absoluto.

“Soy una persona que ha trabajado mucho por lo que quiere. Ya tengo un título importante de un organismo que me abrió las puertas. Ahora quiero el título mundial, pero sé que eso depende de mis promotores, de cuando ellos me digan. De lo que estos seguro, es que estaré listo para esa pelea”.

Su padre, el señor Margarito Juárez contó una anécdota que a más de uno le arrebató la sonrisa en torno al por qué metió a su hijo al boxeo.

“Yo siempre hice deporte, corrí maratones de más joven. Siempre le inculqué a mi hijo el deporte. Pero lo metí al boxeo porque en la primaria había niños que lo molestaban, hasta le pegaban y dije ‘esto no puede seguir’. Lo metí a entrenar box para que se defendiera y miren hasta dónde ha llegado”, señaló sonriente.

“Queremos el título mundial”

Al ser clasificado más alto en peso supergallo, por la WBO, su representante Sean Gibbons señaló que esperarán a la decisión que tome el cubano Guillermo Rigondeaux –actual campeón supergallo WBO– al hablarse de que podría subir a la división inmediata, dejando así el título vacante.

“Parece que Rigondeaux se va a peso pluma, por ahí escuché que quiere una pelea contra Lomachenko (campeón pluma WBO). Vamos a esperar a su decisión en las próximas semanas. Nosotros queremos que César pelea en octubre o noviembre y si es por el título mundial, qué mejor”.

En este sentido, el representante de Top Rank, quien trabaja de manera conjunta con Bob Arum y Fernando Beltrán (Zanfer), señaló que, de quedar vacante el campeonato, es muy probable que se enfrente a un alto clasificado de la división por el título mundial.

“César es número uno en la división y eso lo convierte en retador al título. Si queda vacante el campeonato, es muy probable que enfrente a otro alto clasificado. Pero vamos a esperar a los próximos días”, estableció Gibbons.

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Photos: Team SES / P. Gercke

WBO #1 light heavyweight Dominic Bösel (19-0, 6 KOs) faces Maximiliano Jorge Gomez (18-4, 6 KOs) from Argentina on September 19 at the Belantis Arena close to Leipzig, Germany. Bösel will be defending his WBO Inter-Conti championship.

Also, German domestic welterweight beltholder Felix Lamm (10-0-1, 4 KOs) takes on Philipp Schuster (22-2-1, 15 KOs) in the co-feature. Also seeing action will be “Team Deutschland” fighters Tom Schwarz (heavyweight), Moritz Stahl (super middleweight), Tom Pahlmann (light heavyweight) und Adam Deines (cruiserweight). The card will be televised in Germany by MDR.

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August 24th 2015

Frank Warren

Frank Warren Promotions:
Re: Vacant WBO Jr. Middleweight Championship Bout

Liam Smith vs. John Thompson

Dear Mr. Warren:

The WBO World Championship Committee has been made aware that negotiations for a match in Manchester, England on October 10, 2015 between Liam Smith and Michel Soro for the vacant WBO Junior Middleweight Championship of the World started three weeks ago, but despite Top Rank agreeing to the terms, Soro and his managers have repeatedly made strong public statements suggesting that they are at odds with his promoter over the terms presented to them.

We are also aware that in light of assurances that an agreement would be reached, tickets went on sale and your company contracted with numerous suppliers, etc. This situation, ongoing for weeks, has had a detrimental effect on the promotion of the event promotion with the public uncertain as to who Smith’s opponent will be and whether the fight will take place at all.

Given Michel Soro’s dispute with his Promoter and the power and discretion afforded to us by Section 1 (b) 19 of the WBO Regulations for World Championship Contest to determine the contestants for a Vacant Championship, we have decided to proceed pursuant to Section 20 (PROCEDURE WHEN A TITLE IS DECLARED VACANT) and declare John Thompson the “Best Classified Contender Available.”

For the above reasons, we are formally granting permission for Liam Smith to fight John Thompson for the vacant WBO Junior Middleweight Championship of the World.

This determination of the WBO World Championship Committee to allow Thompson to replace Soro will not adversely affect Soro’s position within the WBO World Championship Ratings.

Yours truly,

(Signed by:  Luis Batista Salas, Esq. Chairman)

cc:  Top Rank, Michael Borao, Omrani Raycal, Che Guevara, Francisco Valcarcel Esq.


By Boxing Bob Newman
Credits Photos: OneSongchai Promotions –

Pungluang Sor Singyu recently captured the WBO bantamweight crown for the second time when he stopped Japanese contender Ryo Akaho in two rounds on August 7 in Ratchaburi, Thailand. The big punching Thai raised his record to 51-3, 35 KOs with the win. Pungluang took some time to talk with Fightnews about recapturing the crown, his past losses, fighting abroad and his future in the ring.
(A special thanks to Dr. Siraphop Ratanasuban of One Songchai Promotions for his assistance with translating for the champ!)

Pungluang, congratulations on regaining the WBO Bantamweight title. How does it feel to be a world champion for the second time?

I am very happy.

Did you expect to score such a quick KO against your recent foe Ryo Akaho in winning the belt again?

No, Ryo is a good boxer. I just got lucky.

I want to go back to your start in boxing. You turned professional at age 16. Did you take the traditional road for many Thai boxers and begin in Muay Thai?

Yes. I fought 60 fights professional Muaythai before I turned to professional boxing.

Why did you decide to convert over to “Western” style boxing?

The promoter gives me good money and promised to make me world champion, as long as I train well.

In becoming WBO champion twice- you’ve won a vacant belt both times. Do you follow your co-champions Shinsuke Yamanaka (WBC), Randy Caballero (IBF), Juan Carlos Payano (WBA) and if so, would you be interested in unifying with any of them, to try and be recognized as the best in the division?

I would like to fight close by my country such as Japan first. For far away country, I am not so sure I want to go. I prefer to fight in Thailand.


All three of your losses have been on the road (Stephane Jamoye- SD10 in Belgium, Paulus Ambunda- UD 12 in Namibia and Tomoki Kameda- KO by 7 in the USA). Do you blame the long distance travel as a factor in those defeats?

Yes, I don’t like to fight overseas much. I love my hometown family to cheer me. I want to build more experience while I fight in Thailand first.

Do you feel the two decision losses- one split in Jamoye’s hoe town and one close unanimous in Ambunda’s home town were fair or did you feel you did enough to win?

I feel I was a bad boy. I did not train well and didn’t get ready for those fights.

If the money is right, will you be willing to travel abroad for more fights or would you rather have several fights at home where you feel more comfortable?

I would like to have several more fights at home to be more comfortable first.

In the Kameda fight, the scores were dead even after six rounds, with each of you leading on one score card and a draw on the third. You were stopped in the seventh round. How frustrating was that loss in such a close fight?

Yes, I did not train well in that fight. I deserve to lose.

At 27 years old, you are relatively young, but have been fighting for eleven years and have had fifty four fights. Do you feel like you are slowing down at all, or do you still have many years to go?

I feel I am a very young champion. I have a bright future ahead of me. I am in a climbing up period now.

With a 65% knockout ratio, power seems to be a big part of your game. Do you rely on your power to win a fight or do you feel you are a complete boxer?

I think I am power boxer. I love to KO and get audiences excited.

What is next for you in your first defense of your second title reign?

It is up to my promoter Madame Pariyakorn Ratanasuban. I do my job by keep training.

Any final thoughts or words to your fans both at home in Thailand and around the world?

Thank you everyone for cheering for me. I will work hard and not let my boxing fans get disappointed.


La Organización Mundial de Boxeo (WBO por sus siglas en inglés), entregó este jueves una importante donación de material deportivo al Instituto Municipal de Deporte y Recreación (IMDER), para la para la promoción y desarrollo de los planes deportivos para la juventud capitalina.

El encargado de hacer efectiva la donación fue Óscar Canjura, directivo de WBO; mientras que Yamil Bukele, presidente del IMDER, recibió el material deportivo.

De esta forma, según expresó Canjura, se marca el inicio de una alianza entre las dos organizaciones, que mediante el boxeo, buscarán orientar a la juventud del Gran San Salvador.

“Nosotros queremos ayudar a desarrollar más ampliamente la práctica del deporte y el IMDER tiene un gran potencial”, dijo Canjura.

Y será bajo el lema “Kids Drug Free” (Niños libres de drogas), que la WBO pretende acercar el boxeo a los jóvenes de toda la capital y así alejarlos de los malos caminos y las drogas.

Por su parte, Yamil Bukele mostró su satisfacción por el acercamiento de la WBO ya que, a su juicio, están bajo la misma filosofía de trabajo.

“El IMDER tiene una proyección inmensamente grande en lo que se puede abarcar y se puede llegar. En lo particular, tengo un morbo bastante positivo hacia el boxeo. Nunca lo he practicado, nunca he ido a un cuadrilátero a ver una pelea, pero sé que muchos jóvenes con problemas de drogadicción, sociales, de alcohol, etcétera, han podido salir adelante a través del boxeo”, expresó Bukele.

El presidente ad honorem del IMDER destacó que entre los planes de la institución, el boxeo tiene un apartado fuerte en las apuestas de los programas de deportes a fomentar entre la juventud capitalina, y el acercamiento de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo es oportuno.


Con la entrega de material deportivo, la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (WBO por sus siglas en inglés) mostró su apoyo al Instituto Municipal de Deporte y Recreación (IMDER) para la promoción y desarrollo de los planes deportivos para la juventud capitalina.

El Lic. Óscar Canjura, directivo de WBO, hizo la entrega del material al Lic. Yamil Bukele, presidente del IMDER, en un acto que significó el inicio de una alianza entre las dos organizaciones, que mediante el boxeo, buscarán orientar a la juventud del Gran San Salvador.

“Nosotros queremos ayudar a desarrollar más ampliamente la práctica del deporte y el IMDER tiene un gran potencial”, dijo el Lic. Canjura.

Por su parte, el Lic. Yamil Bukele mostró su satisfacción por el acercamiento de la WBO al señalar que “por lo que hablamos, estamos bajo la misma filosofía de las cosas que queremos hacer”.

Bajo su lema “Kids Drug Free” (Niños libres de drogas), el Lic. Canjura indicó que “buscamos el acompañamiento con la juventud, nuestro objetivo es en función social, y devolverle algo a la sociedad de lo que el boxeo recibe, porque la mayoría de atletas viene de los estratos más humildes”.

En ese sentido, el Lic. Yamil Bukele expresó que bajo esos mismos conceptos quiere desarrollar la proyección del IMDER. “El IMDER tiene una proyección inmensamente grande en lo que se puede abarcar y se puede llegar”, expresó.

“En lo particular, tengo un morbo bastante positivo hacia el boxeo. Nunca lo he practicado, nunca he ido a un cuadrilátero a ver una pelea, pero sé que muchos jóvenes con problemas de drogadicción, sociales, de alcohol, etcétera, han podido salir adelante a través del boxeo”, agregó.

El presidente ad honorem del IMDER destacó que entre los planes de la institución, el boxeo tiene un apartado fuerte en las apuestas de los programas de deportes a fomentar entre la juventud capitalina, y el acercamiento de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo es oportuno.

“Al igual que el IMDER, soñamos con un El Salvador diferente. Representamos al boxeo profesional, y un niño lo que sueña es ser campeón del mundo, salir de la pobreza, comprar una casa para su mamá y nunca volver al barrio, lo que a través del boxeo lo puede lograr”, aseveró el Lic. Óscar Canjura.


By Matt Richardson at ringside
Photos: Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment –

It took eight and a half months but boxing fans finally have a clear fight of the year.

And it was in the cruiserweight division.

In a dramatic and violent fight in which both fighters hit the canvas, Poland’s Krzysztof Glowacki upset long-reigning WBO cruiserweight champion Marco Huck by knocking him out in the eleventh round at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey.

The fight was the co-featured bout to the Antonio Tarver-Steve Cunningham main event on the “Premier Boxing Champions” card on Spike on Friday night.

Huck (38-3-1, 26 KO’s) was attempting to break the record for the most consecutive cruiserweight title defenses in boxing history (14) but his opponent wasn’t so agreeable. Glowacki (25-0, 16 KO’s), fighting in front of a passionate, pro-Polish crowd, hurt Huck in the first and knocked him down once in the eleventh before stopping him along the ropes in the same round. It was the fight in between Glowacki’s early and late success, however, which showed both men’s heart and courage. Glowacki was almost knocked out himself in the sixth after getting drilled with a hard left hook that left him staring up from the canvas.

It was that type of fight.

“The U.S. market is now open to me,” Glowacki said in the ring after the fight ended. “Fans around the world will now have to respect the cruiserweight division.”

If there are more fights like his one against Huck, that probably won’t be an issue.

Glowacki began the fight aggressively. He slammed Huck into the ropes with a left and in the final ten seconds of the round he rocked him in the corner with a hard right that made Huck’s legs jiggle. Glowacki continued to march forward in the second as he banged Huck to the body and head but Huck appeared to settle down on his punches in the final minute. Both men fought after the bell in the third and fourth but Huck did better in the latter after connecting with clean, flush shots.

Both men exchanged big punches in the fifth as Huck began to pick up the pace as much as Glowacki dropped it. A wide left hook then dropped Glowacki on his back in the sixth. The fight appeared to be over as the Polish fighter lay on the canvas with his hands above his head but he unsteadily rose and the action was allowed to continue.

“I didn’t know where I was,” Glowacki would state later on.

Surprisingly, Glowacki fought back well and held his own against Huck in what turned into an all-action round. Huck and Glowacki took a breather in the first half of the seventh but then Glowacki connected with a right that drove Huck back into the ropes. Glowacki flinched coming out of a combination in the eighth and Huck jumped on him and hurt him with shots of his own. Huck also connected well with combinations in the tenth as Glowacki seemed to tire.

In the eleventh, however, Glowacki awoke again. Huck attempted to land a lazy combination and soon paid the price after Glowacki connected with a left and wide right. The shots dropped Huck violently to the floor. Huck rose on clearly shaky legs and Glowacki quickly resumed battering his opponent. Huck couldn’t adequately defend himself but attempted to move out of the way anyway. Glowacki stayed on top of him, however, and connected with left hooks that snapped Huck’s head back along the ropes. As Huck continued to absorb punishment his body crumbled into the middle ropes, prompting referee David Fields to make a correct stoppage at the 2:39 mark of the round.

“When there was one minute left in the eleventh I knew I had to come on strong,” said Glowacki. “I always had a thing against bullies. Huck was trying to bully me in the ring and I brought it to him. This is the biggest night of my life.”

Entering round eleven, Huck was ahead 96-93, 96-93 and 95-94.

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Credit photo / –

Unlike other professional sports, there is no offseason in combat sports. Week in and week out, fight cards all over the world are taking place. Some weeks there will be major fight cards filled with big name fighters, and others, not so much, but there are fights taking place every week.

Regardless of whether the fighters are household names or not, The MMA Corner will preview the best fight taking place during the week.

This week’s Fight of the Week is a WBO cruiserweight title bout between Marco Huck and Krzysztof Glowacki.
On Friday, Aug. 14, 2015, Al Haymon’s Premier Boxing Champions heads to the Prudential Center in Newark, N.J., where Huck and Glowacki will battle it out in the co-main event of PBC’s live broadcast on Spike.

Heading into this bout, Huck will be looking to defend his WBO cruiserweight title for the 14th time. With a record of 38-2-1 with 26 wins by knockout, Huck has proven that he is one of the top cruiserweight fighters in the world, but he is still searching for a signature win that will catapult him into stardom.

Glowacki on the other hand is entering this bout undefeated and hungry to capture his first major title. Having won multiple amateur, junior and Intercontinental titles, Glowacki is no stranger to big moments.

Considering both these fighters have knockout power and both men are looking to make a statement here on US soil, this one should be entertaining. Neither man has ever competed here in the US; this is there chance to introduce themselves to the American fan base live on cable TV.

Huck vs. Glowacki

By Przemek Garczarczyk

“It was the longest staredown ever – at least the ones I was part off,” said promoter Lou DiBella describing the 2 minute 58 second staredown between WBO cruiserweight champ Marco Huck and undefeated challenger Krzysztof Głowacki. It happen during final press conference in NYC and the intensity of both fighters was absolutely tremendous. Artur Szpilka, Głowacki’s countryman and close friend only added to it, practically challenging Huck to a slightly unscheduled fight on the BB King Bar stage. Also present, but very quiet in comparison were Antonio Tarver and Steve Cunningham, who will be in the main event on Friday night’s Spike TV telecast from the Prudential Center in Newark.

screenshot.MARCO VS. GLOWACKI  Marco vs. Glowacki

Spirited Thai excites home fans with dominant two-round victory over Japanese fighter Akaho


Thailand’s Pungluang sor Singyu, left, in action against Japan’s Ryo Akaho. 

Pungluang sor Singyu stopped Ryo Akaho of Japan in the second round to reclaim the WBO bantamweight title in Ratchaburi yesterday.

In the fight for the vacant 118-pound division belt, the Thai did not waste his chance in the second round when he cornered and floored Akaho with a powerful right hook.

The stunning victory in front of his hometown fans made him a two-time champion.
In 2012, Pungluang, now 27, stopped AJ Banal in the ninth round to win the title, also for a vacant championship, in the Philippines.

“I am really happy and proud of myself, and to have made the fans happy,” said Pungluang after the bout.

“I promised them I would win the title and I did it.”

Pungluang is only Thailand’s third title holder at the moment with the other two being Amnat Ruenroeng (IBF flyweight) and Wanheng Meenayothin (WBC minimumweight).

Pungluang, who was stopped by Japan’s Tomoki Kameda in his second world title attempt last July, improved his record to 51 wins (31KOs) against three losses.

It was 29-year-old Akaho’s second loss and first by a knockout.

Pungluang’s manager Pariyakorn Rattanasuban said that she was relieved and happy to have another world champion.

“We made a lot of effort and spent more than 10 million baht to make the fight happen,” she said. “Pungluang deserves credit for his great win. He planned to study Akaho for four rounds but when the chance…

As the winner of a vacant title, Pungluang now has to face a mandatory bout in his first defence.

Pariyakorn confirmed that the fight will be held in Thailand.

“It will definitely take place in Thailand,” she said. “I have learned lessons from when he lost the title two years ago.”

After beating Banal in 2012, Pungluang flew to Namibia for his first and mandatory fight and lost to Paulus Ambunda.


Photos: M 150 OneSongchai

Bantamweight Pungluang Sor Singyu (51-3, 35 KOs) knocked out Ryo Akaho (26-2-2, 18 KOs) in round two to regain the vacant WBO bantamweight title on Friday in Ratchaburi, Thailand. This bout was for the title stripped from Tomoki Kameda after he signed for a “unification” match with “regular” WBA champ Jamie McDonnell.

Pungluang previously won the belt in 2012 against AJ Banal, but lost it in his first defense to Paulus Ambunda.




WHEREAS, on July 11, 2015 WBO #1 contender Terry Flanagan of the United Kingdom faced WBO #2 contender José Zepeda of California, United States for the vacant WBO Lightweight Championship of the World, in a bout held at the Velodrome in Manchester, U.K.; and,

WHEREAS, Zepeda suffered a dislocated left shoulder and remained on his stool at the end of the 2nd round, with Referee Marcus McDonnell waving the bout off after speaking with Zepeda’s corner team, and confirming with both the fighter and the ringside physician that the fight could not continue; and,

WHEREAS, Flanagan was deemed the winner of the contest via TKO in round 2 and was awarded the WBO Lightweight Championship of the World; and,

WHEREAS, on July 21, 2015 Mr. Robb M. Hernández, manager of José Zepeda, filed a petition with this WBO World Championship Committee, in essence requesting that we order an immediate “mandatory rematch” and alluding to Zepeda’s performance and the judges’ scoring up until the stoppage of the bout; and,

WHEREAS, Mr. Fernando Beltrán of Promociones Zanfer, Zepeda’s promoter, filed a similar request to this Committee, highlighting the “unfortunate outcome of the fight following the dislocation of Zepeda’s shoulder in the second round of the fight” and considering his fighter “worthy of a new opportunity to face Terry Flanagan in a mandatory rematch, given that the injury prevented Zepeda from continuing and proving that he can be a great WBO Champion;” and,

WHEREAS, all interested WBO participants were given notice of this Petition and allowed reasonable opportunity to express their views and submit any document or otherwise present any argument they believed would help the Committee resolve this Petition; and,

WHEREAS, the WBO World Championship Committee commissioned a five-member, highly qualified and internationally recognized, confidential judging panel to conduct a in-depth analysis of the fight, with particular emphasis on round 2; and,

WHEREAS, this judging panel saw no irregularity or misapplication of the rules, as Section 26 (b) (11) of our WBO Regulations of World Championship Contests (incorporating by reference the Uniform rules of the Association of Boxing Commissioners) is clear insofar that “[i]f a boxer sustains an injury from a fair blow and the injury is severe enough to terminate the bout, the injured boxer shall lose by TKO” (Emphasis added); and,

WHEREAS, Section 18 of the aforementioned Regulations (on Return Fights) states that “[t]he WBO shall not allow direct return fights, unless recommended by the World Championship Committee and authorized by the Executive Committee. A direct return fight is a fight between the new Champion and the former Champion from whom the new Champion won the title (or between a new Champion and the losing Contestant in a Vacant Title Fight), before the new Champion defends his title against any of the other fighters classified in his category. If the World Championship Committee determines either that the resolution of a Championship Contest was substantially irregular, or that there was a clear misapplication of the rules of boxing resulting in a manifest unfairness, such that in either case the World Championship Committee determines that the Championship was substantially unresolved, the World Championship Committee may, in its discretion, recommend a direct return fight, which may be authorized only by the majority vote of the Executive Committee […];” and,

WHEREAS, this WBO World Championship Committee sanctioned the WBO Vacant Lightweight Championship bout between Terry Flanagan and José Zepeda on June 22, 2015, provided that the winner face the WBO Mandatory Challenger within 120 days of the bout.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the WBO World Championship Committee that given all of the above we do not find the resolution of this Championship Contest “substantially irregular,’ [or] “that there was a clear misapplication of the rules of boxing resulting in a manifest unfairness” and that it hereby denies this petition for an immediate or “return” rematch, per the WBO World Championship Rules.

This is a final decision of the WBO World Championship Committee. The affected WBO Participant may appeal to the Complaint and Grievance Committee, pursuant to WBO World Championship Section 34, which as per Rule 3(e) of the WBO Appeals Regulation, must be submitted in writing to the WBO President within fourteen (14) days of the date of this decision as its sole and exclusive remedy.

Dated in San Juan, Puerto Rico on this 5th day of August, 2015

Luis Batista-Salas, Chairman

cc Francisco Valcárcel, Esq., István Kovacs, Frank Warren Robert Smith


July 28, 2015

VIA E-mail:

Hanna Gabriel
WBO Female Jr. Middleweight Champion – San Jose, Costa Rica

RE: WBO Female Jr. Middleweight Champion Dear Ms. Gabriel:

Please be advised of WBO Female Boxing Rules and Regulations: Upon winning a WBO Female title, the champion has one hundred eighty (180) days from the date the title was obtained and /or her last title defense to defend again, or the title may be declared vacant.

You won the vacant WBO Female Jr. Middleweight title on December 20, 2014 at the El San Juan Resort and Casino in Carolina, Puerto Rico. Your title defense was due on or before June 20, 2015.

Please be advised you have ten (10) days upon receipt of this communication to provide copies of finalized fight contracts and to show cause as to why Ms. Gabriel has not defended her belt under the terms of the Championship Regulation. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the WBO Female Jr. Middleweight title being declared vacant, without further hearing you.

Very truly yours,

Luis Batista Salas,
Chairman Championship Committee

c1_634364_620x413 Pungluang Sor Singyu, centre, is eyeing the vacant WBO bantamweight title.

Thai fighter says facing Japanese rival in Ratchaburi on Aug 7 in WBO title bout piling pressure 

Pungluang Sor Singyu made no effort yesterday to conceal his unease and openly acknowledged that he was under pressure while readying himself for the fight against Japan’s Ryo Akaho for the vacant WBO bantamweight title in Ratchaburi on Aug 7.

Pungluang, a former WBO champion who is ranked second in the division, claimed that boxing in front of his fans in Ratchaburi would not give him any real advantage over his opponent but will rather put him under more pressure.

“I am feeling the pressure a lot,” he said. “Everyone is suggesting that I have to win the title here,” said the fighter, who has so far sparred more than 100 rounds to prepare for the title bout.

“As for Akaho, we have studied his fights carefully. He is classic and very fast. What I can say is that he is not an easy opponent to beat.”

Pungluang (50-3-0, 34KOs) stopped AJ Banal in the ninth round to win the vacant title in the Philippines in October 2012.

However, in his first defence, he lost to Paulus Ambunda in Namibia in March 2013.

His manager Pariyakorn Rattanasuban said she had invested a lot of money to get the fight to be held in the country, but she was concerned about Pungluang’s fitness.

“I just hope he will be in a great shape for the fight and will not disappoint us,” she said. “I made a mistake last time by making him defend his title in Namibia even though he was not fit enough at the time.”

Akaho, who holds a record of 26-1-2 with 18KOs, is challenging for a world title for the second time after losing to then-champion Yota Sator in a WBC flyweight championship bout in 2012. The WBO title has been vacated by Tomoki Kameda of Japan.

On the undercard, veteran Chonlatarn Piriyapinyo will compete in the featherweight division for the last time before moving up to the super-featherweight class.

 WBO middleweight belt at stake in Limerick on 19 September
 Fight will be first between Travellers for a legitimate world title


Andy Lee, left, and Billy Joe Saunders will fight for the WBO middleweight title in Limerick on 19 September in front of an expected crowd of 33,000. Photograph: Jordan Mansfield/Getty Images –

Andy “Irish” Lee is a travelling man in every sense, a proud member of his widespread roaming community and a fighter who has had to seek work in big and little towns all across the US and Europe, in near-empty halls and packed casinos, ballrooms and bars, in front of mugs and millionaires.

Now he is coming home, to Limerick, in front of an expected audience of 33,000 – an overwhelming majority of whom he will claim as allies – to defend his world middleweight title against fellow Traveller Billy Joe Saunders on 19 September.

“It’s a small community,” Lee says of the world that he and Saunders inhabit, “and everyone knows everyone. He’d know a lot of people I know and I’d know a lot of people he’d know. But the crowd will probably be 85 to 90% in favour of me.”

This is the first fight between two Travellers for a legitimate world title and, when they shared a podium in London on Wednesday, the mutual respect and bonhomie was in stark contrast to the bogus trash-talking that characterises many of these face-offs.

It is, they agreed, for a real world title, with the unbeaten Saunders from a site in Hatfield the mandated No1 challenger and Lee the acclaimed 31-year-old champion who has been given no favours in a career of several ups and a few significant downs.

“We’re both in love with the game,” Saunders said. “For me it’s about walking away with that belt. But it is a huge fight for the Travelling community. Andy’s the first Traveller to win a world title. I’m the first to win a British title outright. There’s a lot of talk about this fight in our community. But it’s for the rest of the fans as well. But, yeah, it’s for bragging rights. It adds spice to it.”

Lee said: “I’d agree with that. And I’d say our upbringing and our background is the reason we’ve both been so successful. The pride we will bring to this fight is the pride we bring to every fight. As long as we both shall live we will have to face up [to the outcome] of this fight. Whoever wins will be hailed as hero. We’re both good men and the loser won’t be shamed but the loser will be known as the loser. There’s a lot on the line for us both.”

Until a year ago, when Lee found a finisher when getting battered on the ropes to level the knockout artist John Jackson in front of a stunned crowd at Madison Square Garden, Saunders had the higher profile, notably for his win over Chris Eubank. But Lee is the man with the belt that matters.

His journey has taken in Mannheim and Cologne in Germany, Esbjerg in Denmark, Detroit, Memphis, Las Vegas, New York, Michigan, Illinois, Connecticut, Indiana, Oklahoma, New Jersey, his adopted city of Dublin, Belfast – and now the rugby headquarters of Munster, Thomond Park, where he will walk to the ring with the blessing of the Ireland rugby captain, Paul O’Connell, a Limerick man, and the club’s “Stand Up And Fight” as his anthem.

“I’ve paid the price,” he says. “I’ve been all over. I’ve fought in I don’t know how many different countries.”

Lee has spent much of his career picking up the crumbs of others. “I only got the [Julio César Chávez Jr] fight because Martin Murray wasn’t allowed to travel to America,” he said, referring to a bout that was cancelled because Murray had been convicted of various offences in his youth.

“And I only got the [Matt] Korobov fight [when he stopped the Russian in six rounds to win the vacant WBO belt] because Billy Joe had signed to fight Eubank. But there here have been a lot of fights I should have got that other guys got.

“I’ve got to thank Adam Booth [his trainer and business partner] because, when we got together, we started to work on the contracts that I already had in place, with Lou DiBella and the management company I was working with then in America.

“I’m now in a position where I’m champion of the world and a partner in this fight with Adam. So I’m promoting my own world title fight in a huge stadium in my home town. I’ve come a long way.”

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By Ray Wheatley — World of Boxing

Photos: Dave Cameron –

WBO #8, WBA #10 Joseph Parker (14-0, 12 KOs) will clash with WBO #13 Bowie Tupou (25-3, 17 KOs) over twelve rounds on Saturday at the Southlands Stadium in Invercargill, New Zealand, with PABA and WBO regional titles up for grabs. Tupou is trained by former three-time world champion Jeff Fenech, who is confident his charge can defeat New Zealand’s pride and joy inside the distance.

“I believe Bowie will take Joseph Parker somewhere he hasn’t been before,” a confident Fenech declared as the fighters squared off at a media conference in Auckland on Tuesday. “He will do something to Joseph, especially over those first six rounds, that Joseph has never experienced before. I believe the only way that Bowie can win the fight is by knockout so we have trained to knock Joseph Parker out.”

Fenech said he had been impressed by Tupou’s work and attitude during their six-week training camp.

“Bowie has caused a lot of damage in the gym. He has knocked out opponents, he has dropped opponents with body shots.”

Fenech had assembled Australia’s best heavyweight talent, including Kali Meehan, Lucas Browne, and Solomon Haumono to help Tupou’s preparations for an opponent he clearly respects.

“Bowie sparred with all the best [Australian] heavyweights out there and had no problems whatsoever. He has come through unscathed. He will give Joseph Parker the real test that he needs finally.”

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By Miguel Maravilla at ringside –
Photos: David Spagnolo / Main Events – John Locher, AP

Unbeaten WBO, WBA and IBF light heavyweight world champion Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev (28-0-1, 25 KOs) destroyed IBF mandatory challenger Nadjib “Irondjib” Mohammedi (37-4, 23 KOs) on Saturday night at the Mandalay Bay Events Center, Las Vegas. 150:1 favorite Kovalev dropped Mohammedi with a series of right hands in round two and finished him with right/left combination in round three. Time was 2:38.


By Miguel Maravilla at the scale
Photos: David Spagnolo/Main Events –

Sergey Kovalev 174.5 vs. Nadjib Mohammedi 173
(WBA/IBF/WBO light heavyweight title)

Jean Pascal 178 vs. Yunieski Gonzalez 177
Sullivan Barrera 174.5 vs. Hakim Zoulikha 175
Cassius Chaney 238.5 vs. Edward Ramirez 233
Rodney Hernandez 239 vs. Brice Ritani-Coe 252.5
Joel Diaz 140.5 vs. Alejandro Rodriguez 140.5

Venue: Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas
Promoter: Main Events


  • Wladimir Klitschko and Tyson Fury came face to face in Germany
  • The pair, who clash in October, spoke as part of their pre-fight preparations
  • Fury claimed his opponent has never faced someone as good as him
  • The Gypsy King wants to smash Klitschko’s face like a bottle 
  • The pair will do battle at the Esprit-Arena in Dusseldorf on October 24 

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Tyson Fury (left) and Wladimir Klitschko are preparing to face each other for the world heavyweight title.  The pair will do battle at the Esprit-Arena in Dusseldorf, Germany in front of a sell-out crowd .

Wladimir Klitschko asked the first question at the start of what will be a long pre-fight ritual and Tyson Fury gave him the answer in his usual uncensored fashion.

Klitschko inquired: ‘How do you feel about fighting for the world heavyweight championship for the first time?’

Fury replied: ‘It is my mission to rid boxing of you because you’re a boring old man. You have as much charisma as my underpants.

2AB9850C00000578-3169515-image-a-1_1437489200034Fury used explicit language throughout the press conference as he looked forward to the fight

2AB98D1F00000578-3169515-image-a-2_1437489238676Klitschko has heard these kind of taunts throughout his career and laughed off his opponent’s jibes 

‘You’re a wrinkled old man with a glass chin and I am going to make that glass explode like a bottle hitting a wall.’

What had begun as a mutually respectful first media conference to begin setting up Fury’s return to Dusseldorf for his stadium mega-fight on October 24 suddenly had lift off.

Fury used some bad language: ‘I’m an American-style fighter with European fitness and that adds up to you’re f*****.’

Klitschko and Fury – head-to-head

Age (on Oct 24) 39 Age (on Oct 24) 27
Height 6ft 6in Height 6ft 9in
Reach 81in Reach 85in
Nationality Ukrainian Nationality British
Total fights 67 Total fights 24
Wins 64 Wins 24
Wins by KO 53 Wins by KO 18
Losses 3 Losses 0
Draws 0 Draws 0

There was an unprintable obscenity hung around the first syllable of the multiple champion’s surname.

There were more threats and insults as the giant Manchester traveller pointed at the five belts – WBA, IBF, WBO. IBO and The Ring –  on the table in front of Klitschko and said: ‘I don’t care about those. I don’t care about money. I don’t care about my legacy or going down in history.

‘I just want to smash your old face and I don’t give a f*** what anybody thinks because I don’t give a f*** about being a role model.’

The Germans made much of how victory would take Klitschko to 28 world title fights, one more than the old record held by the immortal Joe Louis.

But Fury said: ‘Are you greater than Louis, Ali, Frazier, Holmes? I think not. You’ve just fought bums well selected for you by your management.

2AB9543F00000578-0-image-m-38_1437484123557Fury attempted to provoke Klitschko into a reaction during the photoshoot but he kept calm

‘When I look at you I’m not feared. I don’t even see a big man because you’re not only shorter than me (Fury is 6ft 9in, Klitschko 6ft 6in) but you’re light for a modern heavyweight.

‘When I went to your training camp once I saw just your tired old jab-and-grab routine. I came away full of confidence. You’re nothing. History tells that when even great heavyweights get to your age (Klitschko is 39) they go into rapid decline. It also says that old men give way to young lions like me (Fury is 26).

‘You look old even though I think you’ve had botox. Jab-and-grab won’t be enough against me.’


The ‘Gypsy King’ has warned the 39-year-old that he will be the best fighter he’s ever faced 

Klitschko, a sports psychologist, talked of repeating the ‘therapy’ he administered in beating David Haye ‘which made him a better person.’

Fury reacted: ‘I’ll hire you as my therapist after the fight because you’ll be out of a job.’

But when that, and much more, was said and done, it would not be correct to depict as a rant and a bust-up on this preview visit to Dussledorf’s magnificent football stadium, under the sliding roof of which 55,000 will watch these two have the argument which really matters.

The tickets went on sale on Tuesday. Klitschko announced a renewed five-fight deal with his German TV paymasters. Bidding for the UK broadcast rights began with Sky, BoxNation and BT all in contention.

Klitschko laughed at the Tyson tirade and said: ‘Good. Now he’s being entertaining. That means the fight will be exciting. This is business.’

Fury had been the personification of politeness at the opening of the session: ‘Wladimir is a great champion and at his age I admire him for taking on a young gun like me. He never ducks anyone.’

Then he said: ‘It’s not business for me. It’s personal. You’re a robotic bore and I fell asleep listening to your long speech. ‘I will shut you up.’


The Ukrainian has an impressive record of 64-3 and is looking to improve that against Fury

That, certainly, was easier said than done. Klitschko – in suit-and-tie contrast to Fury’s smart sports shirt – controlled the occasion and enjoyed doing so, drawing Fury out by saying: ‘You sing, you dance, you’re a cool dude.’  The reply: ‘I’m also unique, the one-in-a-thousand-years fighter you have never faced before and never will again.’


The 39-year-old fighter had all five of his heavyweight belts with him at the press conference


Fury looks down on the Ukrainian and he’ll have a height advantage of three inches when they fight

‘And I don’t have words to express my delight that he has to fight someone so old. Because with age comes wisdom. My fists will speak louder than his mouth.’

But both men were trying hard not to smile, even when they continued the banter while posing for the customary stare-down photographs.

The box office reported brisk opening sales. Business is booming.

They shook hands on it.


Klitschko addressed the media and kept a cool head with Fury goading him throughout the briefing 



Pungluang Sor Singyu and his manager Pariyakorn

Former world champion Pungluang Sor Singyu will take on Japan’s Ryo Akaho for the vacant WBO bantamweight title in Ratchaburi on Aug 7. 

The title was vacated by Tomoki Kameda, another Japanese fighter. Akaho (26-1-2, 18KOs) is the top challenger in the division while Pungluang (50-3-0, 34KOs) is ranked second.

Pariyakorn Rattanasuban, Pungluang’s manager, said although the bout would be held in Thailand her fighter would not enjoy a big advantage.

“All the judges are from the US,’’ she said.

Pungluang was crowned champion in October 2012 after stopping AJ Banal in the ninth round to win the vacant title in the Philippines.

He held the belt for only four months before losing to Paulus Ambunda in Namibia in March 2013.

The Ratchaburi native had a chance to win back the title last July but was stopped by Kameda in a mandatory fight in Las Vegas.

It will be Akaho’s second title shot after losing to compatriot Yota Sator in a WBC flyweight championship in 2012.

It is expected to be a tough assignment for Akaho as no Japanese boxers have won a world tile in Thailand.

Mar 14, 2015; Montreal, Quebec, CAN; Sergey Kovalev reacts after defeating Jean Pascal (not pictured) in their light heavyweight championship bout at the Bell Centre. Mandatory Credit: Eric Bolte-USA TODAY Sports ORG XMIT: USATSI-221882 ORIG FILE ID:  20150314_jla_bb5_689.jpg

Mandatory Credit: Eric Bolte-USA TODAY Sports ORG XMIT: USATSI-221882 ORIG FILE ID: 20150314_jla_bb5_689.jpg

Light Heavyweights

Sergey Kovalev (27-0-1, 24 KOs) vs. Nadjib Mohammedi (37-3, 23 KOs)

It’s not the Sergey Kovalev fight the masses want, but for now, it’s the fight they’re going to get. The Russian knockout artist will defend his IBF, WBA and WBO belts against mandatory challenger Nadjib Mohammedi at the Mandalay Bay Events Center on Saturday night. The card airs on HBO beginning at 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT.

The relatively unknown Mohammedi is something of a letdown opponent for Kovalev, who is coming off significant triumphs over Jean Pascal and Bernard Hopkins in his last two outings. It’s no secret that Kovalev eventually wants a title unification bout against Adonis Stevenson, but Stevenson’s current alliance with Showtime makes that matchup unrealistic at the moment. In the meantime, the bout with Mohammedi could serve as another addition to Kovalev’s highlight reel.

The Matchup: Kovalev is a devastating power puncher who has knocked out 10 of his last 11 foes. Only Bernard Hopkins was able to make it to the final bell against “Krusher” during that time, and even he was knocked down twice en route to losing a lopsided decision. In March, Pascal displayed admirable toughness after being dropped for the first time in his career in the third round, but he eventually succumbed to a pair of Kovalev right hands in the eighth round. While Pascal was able to find success at times with unorthodox defensive movement and counters, he was ultimately overwhelmed, as Kovalev outlanded him 122 to 68.

The Los Angeles-based Kovalev possesses knockout power in both hands and is most dangerous when he is allowed to establish a rhythm with consistent forward movement. If he can get an opponent to retreat, he is more likely to connect with a fight-altering blow than if that foe elects to stand in the pocket. Once he gets rolling, Kovalev’s combination punching, while not especially diverse, is a sight to behold as he moves forward against a fighter on the defensive. Kovalev is capable of landing punches even if he can’t get his adversary moving backward, but without the proper distance they lack the impact they might otherwise have had.

Kovalev sets everything up with a fundamentally sound jab, and he is effective landing it to both the head and body. He will often start with probing lefts until he senses an opening, and then he will double up on his jab and follow with a hard straight right. If his opponent reacts the way Kovalev wants and gets on his bicycle, Kovalev can quickly transform into a whirlwind of destruction. However, he does have a tendency to get off balance and out of position when he throws his combinations, which could potentially leave him open to counters. Kovalev showed improvement in this area against Hopkins, as he fought with more patience when he was unable to secure a finish.

One of the most popular storylines surrounding Mohammedi is that he will have Abel Sanchez in his corner. Sanchez used to train Kovalev and currently works with middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin. While Sanchez might be able to provide Mohammedi with some useful insight regarding his former charge, the fact remains that the 30-year-old Frenchman is a middle-tier light heavyweight at best. He become the No. 1 contender with a mild upset of Anatloliy Dudchenko in June 2014 and enters the bout on a 13-fight winning streak, but his resume is not as strong as Kovalev’s.

In two of his three losses, Mohammedi was stopped inside of two rounds, and he hasn’t faced anyone with the KO power of Kovalev. When one is accustomed to being the harder puncher, it can be a shock when someone as dangerous as Kovalev connects. To remain competitive, Mohammedi needs to return fire immediately when Kovalev attacks, because the Russian can falter when his rhythm is disrupted. That said, while Kovalev prefers to lead, he is improving as a counterpuncher and will capitalize if Mohammedi becomes careless.

The Pick: This sets up as a showcase fight for Kovalev, who is bigger, faster and more skilled. Heart, tenacity and a sound game plan will help Mohammedi’s cause, but in the end he will meet a fate familiar to many a Kovalev foe. Kovalev by KO/TKO within five rounds.



The WBO has ordered WBO jr middleweight champion Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade to show cause as to why the title should not be declared vacant. Andrade has not defended the belt in 13 months and has no fights scheduled. The Andrade camp recently accused Anthony Mundine of reneging on a fight and also named Floyd Mayweather, Miquel Cotto, Saul “Canelo” Alvarez and Erislandy Lara as fighters they have been unable to lure into the ring.

WBO World Championship Committee Chairman Luis Batista Salas informed the Andrade camp:

“…the WBO has been more than lenient with Mr. Andrade, but he has clearly been inactive and the WBO must enforce its rules. For this reason please be advised that you have a period of ten (10) days upon receipt of this communication to show cause as to why Mr. Andrade has not defended his belt under the terms of the Championship Regulations. Failure to comply with this requirement will immediately result in the WBO Jr. Middleweight Title being declared vacant, without further hearing you.”


Credit:  Photo by Bret Newton/Main Events –

By Allan Fox: IBF/WBA/WBO light heavyweight champion Sergey Kovalev (27-0-1, 24 KOs) will be defending his titles this Saturday night on July 25th against #1 IBF Nadjib Mohammedi (37-3, 23 KOs) on HBO Championship Boxing from the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kovalev will be looking to get this fight over with as fast as possible to show that Mohammedi doesn’t belong in the same ring with him.

Mohammedi, 30, has one of the better records that Kovalev has faced during his career, but there’s really very little substance to his resume. Most of Mohammedi’s wins have come against poor opposition with limited talent.

When Mohammedi did step up a level four years ago in his fight against Nathan Cleverly, he was beaten easily by a 12 round decision.

Mohammedi has won 13 straight fights since the loss to Cleverly, but the opposition has been woeful. It’s been nothing but easy fights against a combination of journeyman, inexperienced fighters, and guys with just no talent to begin with.

Kovalev’s promoter Kathy Duva is looking to match him against WBA super middleweight champion Andre Ward next year at some point. It would be a fight at 175 if they can negotiate it. That would be Kovalev’s best chance of a big fight in 2016. Getting the other top light heavyweights like Juergen Braehmer and Adonis Stevenson could ultimately prove to be an impossible task. There’s no interest from either of those fighters in facing Kovalev, and that’s not expected to change in the near future.

Kovalev has knocked out 10 out of his last 11 opponents dating back to 2011. During that time, he’s beaten Pascal, Bernard Hopkins and Cleverly, knocking out two out of those three opponents. If Kovalev can add Ward’s name to his KO record, it would be an impressive accomplishment because many boxing fans see Ward as unbeatable.

Scoring a knockout over Ward would likely increase Kovalev’s popularity I a huge way, because it would give him an opponent record and a lot of respect in the boxing community. Kovalev’s wins over Hopkins and Pascal weren’t that big of a deal because both guys had been beaten before.

Kovalev’s victory over Cleverly was impressive because he was unbeaten at the time when Kovalev destroyed him in the 4th round in their fight in 2013, and there were some boxing fans who thought Cleverly would beat him.

Also on the card will be former WBC 175lb champion fighting Yunieski Gonzalez, and light heavyweight Sullivan Barrera facing Hakim Zoulikha.



By Rene Bonsubre, Jr. –

CEBU CITY, PHILIPPINES – The SOS Children’s Village played host to the World Boxing Organization’s WKDF Drug Free Program activities held Monday afternoon.

The SOS Children’s Village in Talamban,Cebu City is home to children who are orphaned or abandoned. It is one of many branches nationwide that give children in need a home and facilities for education and development.

The WBO sponsored a sports event for the kids living inside the village. The children were divided into four teams – with shirts colored yellow, blue, black and red with the WBO logo as uniforms – for a tug-of-war competition.

The teams were matched in a best of three test of strength with the Blue Team emerging as the champion. The children had lots of fun the entire afternoon and were treated with a sumptuous meal by the organizers.

All the participants were awarded school bags and they were also given rubberized mats that can be sued for sports and school activities. On hand for the event and giving prizes to the winners and participants was WBO Asia Pacific VP Leon Panoncillo assisted by Promoter Sammy Gello-ani.

They also provided short speeches to the children reminding them to stay away from drugs and pursue their education or a career in boxing or other sports. Also on hand in organizing the event was Gello-ani’s wife Cora.

WBO VP Panoncillo received a plaque from appreciation from the Children’s Village. The SOS also works in hand with the Cebu City Task Force for Street Children. More than a hundred kids are being cared for inside this facility.

Also on hand for the WBO “Say No to Drugs” program were boxers form the SGG stable, WBO judges Edgar Olalo, Salven Lagumbay, Arnie Najera and Edward Ligas, referees Tony Pesons and Romar Embodo, and PBC/Macao ring inspectors Arcade Terrado and Martin Redona.

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The Yellow Team in the WBO Tug-of-War game held at the SOS Children-s Village in Cebu.

The Yellow Team in the WBO Tug-of-War game held at the SOS Children-s Village in Cebu.

The Blue Team celebrates after winning the finals.

WBO Vice-President for Asia-Pacific Leon Panoncillo poses with the runner-up winner Black Team.

Panoncillo with the finals winner Blue Team.

Panoncillo distributes the WBO bags and rubber mats giveaway to the children.

Panoncillo gives the cash awards to a member of the winning team.

Panoncillo speaks during the awarding of the prizes and the distribution of WBO gifts to the SOS Children’s Village in Cebu.

Panoncillo receives a certificate of appreciation from SOS Children’s Village official Delia Saberon.

WBO boxing officials and boxing personalities in Cebu who joined the Monday WBO Kids Drug Free Program in Cebu.

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