WBO wants to Congratulates Juan Manuel Marquez for being selected Overseas fighter of the Year by boxingscene.com

The Mexican maestro went 2-0 (1) in 2012 and finally put his long-running argument with Manny Pacquiao to bed by handing his rival a knockout defeat in a late candidate for fight of the year.  Marquez is now 1-2-1 against his fellow modern day legend, but the nature of the KO win was manna from heaven for his legion of fans, with Anthony Crolla chief amongst them.

“I’ve got to be honest, I think the finish was brilliant, but I thought Marquez looked old there,” said Crolla when speaking about our pick for ‘Overseas fighter of the year’.  “For the first time, I was worried that Manny might stop him, so I’d like to see Marquez stop now, but that won’t happen.  It would be nice to finish on that high, he scored a knockdown in the third, but in rounds four and five he looked like he’d slowed down that little bit so this could be the right time to go.”

By Terrence Dooley
