Demos Junto a Nuestros Campeones un KO al Covid-19

La batalla contra el coronavirus (Covid-19) es de todos, nuestra organización y nuestros campeones queremos hacer conciencia en este momento y pedirles que se unan a esta lucha quedándose en casa y tomando todas las medidas necesarias. Apoyémonos y cuidemonos todos!  Nuestros campeones les dejan estos mensajes y esperamos que poco a poco podamos salir de esta crisis que nos afecta a todos a nivel mundial.

The battle against Covid-19 is a responsability of all of us. Our organization and our champions want to raise awareness at this moment and ask you to please join the battle by staying at home and taking all necessary precautions. Lets support this cause and take care of each other. We leave you with messages from some of our champions and the hope that little by little we can overcome this crisis.

Message from Donnie Nietes:

“To all my Filipino friends and to everyone in the world, let us all cooperate to stop this pandemic corona virus.

Please stay safe, practice hand washing especially when u sneeze, cough or blow your nose.  If no soap, use hand sanitizer.  Better if you bring with you hand sanitizers anywhere you go.  Avoid touching your eyes, nose and face with unwashed hands.

Let’s also practice social distancing today.  Avoid close contact with sick person and strengthen immune system. Eat vegetables, fruits and take vitamin C.

Stay safe everyone and let us all join hand in hand to stop the virus.

God bless us all. Don’t forget to pray.”

Donnie Nietes

Four Division World Champion